Opening the bag, Camila  started to walk around the room, pulling a small device from it and handing them out to everyone in the room.

"These are prototypes, but the real thing will be exactly like this. These are panic buttons, similar to those given to elderly, in case of an accident. This will be given to children of a certain age. The back opens up easily, where a small rope pops out, letting it turn into a chain that the kids can wear around their necks. This device will alert the child's case worker, and selected officers. Each officer will have a certain amount of cases. I know as officers, you already have a lot on your plate, but this device will save lives, lives that other wise would not be saved." Camila paused, seeing a a couple raised hands she gestured for the short Latina in a similar business suit as the woman Camila had checked out earlier, and seeing them stand together easily, she assumed they were partners of some kind.

"Yes?" Camila asked smiling.

The officer gave her a warm smile, and said,"I'm detective Grande. I was just wondering what you meant by lives that other wise would not be saved? What will this device do?"

Camila smiled faintly, and nodded her head at the question.

"Detective Ariana Grande, partner Lauren Jauregui. Both former and occasional S.W.A.T, if the need arises. Last year you helped take down a sex trafficking ring, and helped rescue dozens of children, all unidentified, and forced into the system because most still remain unclaimed, am I right?" Camila asked cautiously.

Both Ariana and her partner looked at Camila surprised, and slowly nodded their heads.

"Impressive." The woman Camila assumed was Lauren mumbled.

"Whats your point?" Lauren asked stiffly.

"My point, is that those kids had already been through enough, and then they were thrown into the system. Now while the state does its best to screen the foster parents, there is always the monsters that think they can get away with taking a state check, and treating innocent kids like garbage. For every four wonderful foster parents, we have at least one who does just as much damage as the monsters that landed the innocent kids with them. Three months ago, Marie sawyer died, because despite all our hard work, her foster father decided being a sane human was too much for him and he beat her to death. Records show she was locked in her closet for at least five minutes before her foster father managed to pry it open. That five minute window is a decade to anyone, especially a child waiting for help. If she had this button, she could have pushed it the second she felt threatened, and the entire time she prayed for help to come, we would have had multiple dispatches on their way to save her. You did your job and saved her the first time, we did our job by making sure she had some where to call home, but unfortunately things happen, and the system gets cheated. All we can do is guard against them and make sure it never happens again. This panic button will not only make sure that children like Marie Sawyer are saved in time, but it will scare the shit out of future foster parents." Camila continued, making the room chuckle.

She smiled at the nod of understanding from Ariana, and ignored the intense look the green eyed detective was giving her. Camila approached the podium again and finished her speech.

"We work hard to keep this world, and the innocent in it.... safe, and I know you share my frustration, when I say I am fed up with having innocent kids die, raped, and abused by the people who are supposed to protect them. So, We will work together to watch over them, and put the fear of god into the people responsible for their happiness. I never want a child to say her foster father touched them, or a foster mother beat them. I never want to hear those words, and I'm sure you don't either. These devices are going to remind the people involved in the safety of the children we give them, that we expect those kids to be given a home they deserve. I want to erase every vile person from the foster care system, and I will not stop inventing knew ways to do it, just as I'm sure you wont stop bringing the evil out there to justice." Camila voiced passionately, as she took in the many nods and looks of agreement around the room.

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