Chapter 8- Treasure

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Crystal is true to her word, rushing back into the den the next day. She now wears pink and light blue fabric, but her hair was just as tangled as it was last time.

Where were you? I ask as I eagerly lean down to her level.

"Oh, just various places." She replies vaguely. It's obvious that she doesn't want me to know, so I don't press it any more.

She sets a bag down by the corner of the den, leaning down and pawing through it. She takes various sets of paper out, laying them aside.

Her face suddenly lights up in a smile, and she stands back up. "I found this for you!" She grins, holding out a small purple gemstone, set in a lining of gold.

It's beautiful! I exclaim, smiling as much as a dragon can. Thank you for bringing it to me.

I put the gem by my sparkly rocks, feeling an odd sense of satisfaction. My first real piece of treasure!

I lean my head down towards Crystal, gently butting it against her shoulder in thanks. She smiles again, rubbing the side of my neck.

"I can bring you back more next time I go." She says eagerly.

It won't be a problem?

She shakes her head. "Not at all! There are several there, and I have a way of getting what I want."

Crystal certainly is a peculiar creature, but I'm thankful all the same. That would be wonderful. Thank you.

"Oh, anytime!" She tells me. "I'm gonna go grab a few berries, I'll be back here in a bit."

Good luck, I call to her as she runs back off.

I turn around, looking once more at the purple gem. It was beautiful, yes, but where had Crystal been disappearing off to find it?

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