Chapter 11

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Harry's awake wait what. I'm so confused. "Wait Miss how long have I been asleep?"

She looked at me dumbly then remembered I couldn't possibly counted time when I'm asleep. Dumb people are funny sometimes.

I really wish I had more dumb friends.

"Sir you've been asleep for about, two weeks, Harry's been awake for about six days waiting for you."

My eyes widen, two flipping weeks. Oh god. That's a long time. She turned to leave the room and I yelled out to her "Stop!, I mean wait when can I see Harry?" I corrected myself afterwards. She smiled softly to me. "Sir I'm surprised you haven't left to go see him the minuet I told you he was awake, but to answer your question you can go see him now if you want to." She said with a sincere smile and a wink at the end.

I blushed, and looked down towards my arms and noticed there's nothing plugged into them. I shot out of the bed to the bathroom, I changed into normal clothes and sprinted to my Hazza's room. I stopped at the door an caught my breath so it wouldn't seem like I was just running. I threw the door open and stopped in my tracks. "H-Harry." I chocked on my tears while I tried to speak.

There heads snapped towards me. His faced turned from love to petrified. "L-Louis. Your a-awake." He said in a stuttered voice. "Oh hey Houis didn't see you there." Eleanor said sickeningly sweet,to me. I looked to Haz-Harold. He had tears running down his face it broke my heart. I still love him I can't just turn off my feelings for someone in a matter of seconds. I looked over to Eleanor again and she looked like she won something.

"Louis it's not what it looks like, I promise." Harry said in a crocked voice from crying.

"Then what is it harry tell me, because kissing my ex girlfriend seems what it looks like." I answered with rage in my voice.

"Aw I poor Louis upset, that I have harry now and he doesn't." Eleanor said in a bitchy tone. Harry eyes stayed on me, and a frown was marked in hi beautiful face.

"Eleanor get out now you fucking bitch." I said evilly but calm at the same time. Her eyes widen and she ran out of the room.

"Now Harold tell me do you love me or her?" I said walking closer to him as I was talking. He flinched back, in the bed. "I live you Louis you know that." Harold said shyly. "Really prove it" I said centimeters away from his face. He leaned forward and smashed his lips to mine.

After a few minuets I pulled away. "Okay I believe you, but don't do that ever again okay Haz." He nodded and pulled me on to the bed and snuggled into me and with that we went to sleep.

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