CHAPTER 28: Mixed Feelings.

Start from the beginning

          We hired a boat at the docks, apparently Morganna had friends, Tiana and I were amazed at the things you could do when you knew magic and also when you know people that know magic. Before I got into the boat I was given a potion, because the boat was too close to the water, I had to wait for the potion to kick in. Apparently it would take two hours to get there so, I had two hours to sleep.

        As I waited for the potion to kick in I asked Tiana, to write something down for me, something I had seen it when I was in Vaarien’s lair, it was written on a portrait when I was being taken to his room, it might be useful when we got there also I didn’t want to forget, but most of all I kept it from Saber and don’t know why but it just felt like the right thing to do at this point. It said “Con mi diamante Sera mia”, I wondered what it meant as I fell into a deep a sleep.

     When I awoke, the sun was blinding as I covered my eyes, it was really bright here. So I sat up and looked around, but I wasn’t on the docks or even in a boat, I was actually on a beach surrounded by lots and lots of sand. there was no one in sight not even a boat, had we crashed or something, yet there was no wreck, all I saw was the blue waves tumbling to the shore, it was beautiful.

        As I began to get up I looked around, it was lovely, I just wished I knew where everyone was. I walked towards a forested area, and beheld the beauty of the canopies above, this place was familiar. When I got to open ground there was a cabin, I wondered if anyone was there so I began walking towards it.

“Hello”, I called. I heard my voice echo in the forest around me. This was very unusually, to have no one around.

“Hello”, I called again.

“Hello”, I heard someone say behind me.

When I turned around and saw who it was, my heart went into overdrive, and I automatically started back peddling. What was he doing here, this wasn’t good, this couldn’t be any good.

“It seems whenever we meet, you are always trying to get away from me, I wonder why that is”, Vaarien said.

        Vaarien, he stood there before me, it was like looking at Adonis in all his glory, he was fine and he knew it. He was wearing black leather pants and a white cotton shirt with a very low neck, so low that you could see his chest, and so thin that his physique was screaming out at you through the material. His hair was wet, maybe he wet it, I don’t know but if this was any other day, when I wasn’t running for my life or was afraid that I would be caught I might have drooled. But with all the shit that I was encountering at the moment, I tried not appreciate the picture before me, but I was failing miserable, so I did what a girl in such a situation did I blushed. It was clear that he knew what I was feeling.

“Do I appeal to you”, he asked curiously smiling.

“N-no” I stuttered, still walking backwards slowly.

“If I was any other creature, I might have taken your word for it”, he said walking forward slowly.

       By now my heart was beating like a jack hammer, and I think I was beginning to sweat, I never sweat, the first time I did, Tiana and I were on Colasis Empire,  days before my transition. Now I didn’t know what to do, I was pacing myself for the right time that I would be able to break into a sprint and get away from this beautiful but monstrous creature.

“What do you want”, I asked as I stopped.

“What everyone, wants, you of course”, he said as he stopped also.

“I am not some prize for you claim”, I said angrily.

“Believe me, I do not consider you as such”, he replied staring into my eyes.

“I have done nothing to you, why are you trying to kill me”, I said.

“Why would I try to kill, you”, he asked puzzled.

“You did when I was at your house”, I said.

“My apologies, dear Thaliah, if I had known it was you , believe me the circumstances would have been, much different”, he said looking at me intently a slight smile on his lips. I couldn’t help being in love with the way he smiled it was so innocent, I thought. Innocent, maybe all the stress was finally getting to my brain.

“Why do you want me”, I whispered without meeting his eyes.

“You are mine”, he said. My head snapped up at this revelation. To hell I was, was he crazy, what did that even mean, “you are mine”. I belonged to me, no one else but me, I was angry now.

“What does that mean”, I asked angrily.

“It means exactly what I said”, he replied.

“I need to get out of here”, I whispered pissed and turned to run, instead I felt like I hit a concrete wall, as I was propelled back on my butt.

“Hey, what was that for”, I groaned.

“You were trying to run, I had to stop you”, Vaarien replied.

If anyone ever walked into a wall or was hit by car they could understand the comparison, and how I felt at the moment. I stood to my feet and looked Vaarien in the eyes

“Let me pass”, I demanded. My head was throbbing now.

“No”, he said.

        This was frustrating; I didn’t have the moral capacity or the patience to deal with him at the moment. How I wished I had my powers, I would put him right on his ass, but then I saw him look pass me and out into the forest.

“You are in trouble you should go”, he whispered suddenly, touching my face, I flinched away from his touch.

You shouldn’t be afraid, I would never hurt you”, he said softly stroking my face, as I turned away from him. He grabbed my arms and pulled me into him, my back to his chest, I felt his breath on my neck as he whispered in my ear.

“You should be extremely careful, and though my motives may be purely selfish, I would never lie to you”, he said.

“Why should I trust you”, I said, very much aware of how close we were.

“I never asked you to trust, but be careful”, he said, as he kissed my neck.

       This was too much, too fast, I felt like I could melt into to him, as if we were one, all the emotions I felt at that moment, I don’t believe a human could survive it. Yet all of a sudden, I wanted him, I wanted to know what it was like to spend a day, even a week. What it would be like to actually kiss him, because the first time I didn’t kiss him back, how it would feel to be held by him, just held.

“You need to go”, he said again, this time he kissed my hair. I was frozen in place; it was like I couldn’t move. I heard him chuckle.

“I will see you again my love”, he said releasing my arms and moving away. I turned to look at him my expression puzzled. He just looked at me, and then I felt a jolt.

What, like just happened, I thought, that’s when I heard screaming.

“Thaliah, wake up”, I heard someone screaming. Was that Morganna?

I opened my eyes but I still felt a drowsy, Morganna was shaking me, and my teeth began to rattle.

“What is it”, I said.

“We’re in big trouble”.



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