Don't Hold Back

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Soon, everyone had heard about your survival of Levi's office without having to clean anything, thanks to Hanji. When you returned, as promised, you decided to take care of a certain Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirstein.

The two boys were squabbling(when were they not?) until you put one hand on each of the boy's shoulders and smiled cheerfully as they turned around.
"Hello boys, ready to meet your makers?" You asked with a large beam on your face.

Mercilessly, the two boys were left crying and trying to run away as you viciously told them in your own special way that they deserved their punishment for that awful torture of being attacked by a rush of kisses from Levi.

As you walked towards your room, your best friend Armin was there to greet you. He had a frown on his face and seemed to be scanning the room for someone.
"_______, have you seen Eren?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.
"I'd just finished my business with him, why?" You replied, mirroring Armin's seriousness.
"Nothing, it's just--" Armin was cut off by a loud, girly scream. Armin flinched and you sighed.
"I'll go get him" You mumbled as you dashed into the direction of the screech.

When you found Eren, he was scrunched up in a corner crying into his arms.
"What's wrong?" you asked, worried. Eren could only point his bony finger to a door that was open by a few inches.

Silently, you crept towards the door and peeked inside to see what had disturbed Eren so much. Levi's unmistakably impassive eyes stared back. You gasped in surprise and took a small step back.
"Rejecting me are you, _____?" He said in a teasing tone.

Levi opened the door fully with his foot and gave you a gesture that indicated that you were to come in. You gulped as you slowly walked into his office, turning around to check if Eren was still there. He was, unfortunately.

When the door was fully closed, Levi pulled you straight towards him without hesitating. He drew his face closer to yours and stopped mid way to drop his gaze towards your lips.
"Eren might hear!" you hissed quietly so that Jaeger wouldn't hear.
"Then you'll just have to keep your fucking mouth shut." he chuckled, his amused smirk growing wider.

Your lips crashed into each other like meteorites, Levi's hands snaked their around your waist. He ran his pink muscle across your bottom lip, tempting you into opening your mouth. When you didn't let him in, he pinched you. You were prepared for that, and you stood firm. Levi whimpered.
He whimpered.
The adorableness made you Give in, allowing Levi access.

His tongue explored your cavern until he knew every nook and cranny. You found his kisses harder to resist as seconds ticked by. Still conscious of that fact that Eren was outside, you were still holding back your moans as you wrapped your arms around Levi's neck and used the same force that he was using to kiss him back.

As you were kissing, Levi slowly took off you jacket and soon, the rest of your clothes magically disappeared. You were enjoying yourself too much to notice that Levi had slipped his clothes off too and folded them into a neat pile next to his desk. He must have done this a thousand times. This intimidated you. What if you weren't good enough?

You felt something hard press against your thigh, and knew immediately what it was. You smirked into your kiss, and began to grind against Levi, earning a low, feral growl from his lips. you felt his hand travel down to your heated core.
"You're this wet from kissing?" He asked, bemused. You blushed furiously.
"Well I've never done this before..."You mumbled. He rolled his eyes.
"Fucking virgins... I'll be gentle then."

Levi lied. he was in no way gentle. As he pushed into you, you felt something inside you break. suppressing groans of pain, he waited impatiently for you to adjust. After you gave the nod of approval, he rammed into you like there was no tomorrow. The searing sensation from below was painful, yet it felt so good.

"C-Corporal!" You squeaked; you couldn't hold back your voice.
"It's Levi." He said in annoyance as he pounded into your core. Then he found that spot. You were holding back more moans of his name at this point; It was all you could think of.

You were nearly at your climax when the devil grunted and came inside you. At that point, you could only scream his name because you had been holding back for so long.


Shit, had everyone heard? As you sauntered out of his office, Eren was still there; he was snickering at that earlier sound. Levi poked his head through the door.
"If I catch you breaking out fights again, I will do more than breaking your back." He warned in a serious tone. You nodded in reply and walked away as fast as you could; You knew exactly what you'd be doing next

Levi x Reader - Saccharine KissesWhere stories live. Discover now