After about thirty minutes and wondering if Devin could handle Elijah and his cries, she finally decided to get out and check on her boys. She chuckled at the thought of Devin trying to calm down Elijah when he could barely calm himself down. She dried off with the towel, used some Chanel lotion on her body and got dressed in a small Victoria Secret silk night gown. She piled her hair into a bun on the top of her head and left the bathroom, rushing to Elijah's room.

                    Devin had the baby sprawled out on the changing table with his legs in the air, not to mention he was screaming at the top of his lungs. She sighed and pushed Devin out the way to takeover. She used a couple wipes to clean up the mess before she put on a new diaper and got him dressed. She laid him across her shoulder and supported his wobbling head, within seconds he was quiet and looking around.

             "I'll stick to holding him and playing wit him, I ain't got time to be cleaning shit all day." Devin chuckled.

          "You ain't got time for nothing nowadays." She sighed and carried the baby to her bedroom with Devin hot on her tails.

            "Shut up girl." He dismissed.

             After making a warm bottle and putting Elijah in his first bath, she fed him and burped him. She laid him back down in his crib and he went fast to sleep. She tiredly laid down in the bed and fell asleep.


                       The next morning, Chanel woke up and made Elijah a bottle. The first night home was terrible. He woke up crying every hour and wouldn't stop. Devin eventually got tired of it and slept downstairs in the basement leaving Chanel to handle everything. Around six, he finally got tired of screaming and went to sleep. This morning she was drained, exhausted and not in the mood for nothing. Not to mention she offered to go to the gym today with Desire to burn off some of her baby weight.

                  She checked the time and it was a little after nine. She sighed and after feeding Elijah, she took him upstairs to get him dressed. The weather was kind of cold so she dressed him warm in Denim jeans, a Polo shirt, baby Uggs and a thick Moncler jacket. While he laid on the bed looking adorable as ever, she ran to her closet and threw on a light pair of Nike leggings, a matching black Nike tech sweater and Nike running shoes. Her hair was thrown in a bun and she was bare faced today, not like she needed makeup anyways. She placed Elijah in the car seat, grabbed his and her bag and went downstairs.

                 "Where you goin?" Devins deep voice filled her ears. She sighed and turned around.

                   "The gym." She answered flatly.

                   "I could watch my son while you go." He smiled.

              Chanel quickly shook her head. After seeing Devin not being able to change a simple diaper, she realized it wasn't good for him to watch Elijah alone. That would be a disaster waiting to happen. "Nah we're fine. I got my son."

                 "Call me when you get there ma, love you." He said before walking away.

               Chanel rolled her eyes and left the house. The freezing cold weather hit her body as she hurried to the car. Thank God Elijah was dressed for the weather and was bundled up. She locked his car seat in place before getting in the drivers seat. She started up the heat and drove into the city to go to the gym.

                      She pulled up to the gym and turned the car off. Desire stepped outside and got the baby while Chanel grabbed her bags and water bottle. Desire cooed at her godson and gave him kisses while walking in the gym. As Chanel got ready to start warming up, she played with Elijah and watched him smile and stare at her. She couldn't wait to have her baby now, he gave her the most baby fever.

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