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~Emma's P.O.V~

OMG! I can't believe I kissed him.His cheek was so soft and chubby.I wonder if his entire face is that soft and chubby?...I thought over that during school.My skirt was lengthened after Friday.I walked into school neon red.I passed by my locker and headed straight to Nick's.I stopped at his locker tugging at my crimson red bow.Nick had his locker door open.I stood behind his door trying to contain my red blush.I eventually hid that I was blushing.I knocked on his locker playfully.He closed his locker."Hey..."He said to me."Hi..."I said back.Nick just looked down at his feet."Look..."I said"I like you,you like me...Its not awkward anymore,right???"Nick picked his head up staring at me."Look,Emma,I USED to Love you..."Nick to a gulp his eyes starting to quiver,"I-I I'm moving out at the end of this month (20 More Days)".Emma just stood there dumbstruck by this news."But-But we love eachother...".Tears started to flow down my face.Jillian passed by me with Colton holding her hand.(<My Friend Lola's Idea)They are such a cute couple...I thought...Why can't Me and Nick be a cute couple...I grabbed a card I was gonna give him.I threw it on the ground and stormed out.

Nick x EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now