I'm straight!!!

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Taemins P.O.V

Its been a week and today is my birthday. The bad part is I got to spend it with my husband and my ex. At least I got my best friend Yuri. I got out a bed and seen Yuri. "Noona!!!!" I said in excitement. She turned around and hugged me. "Hey get off my wife!!!!" I turned around and seen Jessica looking upset. I just left and went to the couch. After a while I seen Jonghyun smirking at me. He sat beside me and said "hey my straight husband." He just stared at me while I nodded my head and he just hugged me. "Just wait." Jonghyun said smirking.


Me and Jonghyun just hung out this whole time and he's actually fun to hang out with. If I was gay I'll be happy I married him..... But I'm straight. Aren't I??? Jonghyun does look cute.... Man I really want to kiss him now.... Ugh I'm so confused.
------------------------------------------------ Part 2!!!! :) I hope you all like and I'm going to upload the rest soon. bye guys

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