As I walked to the drink tap I heard footsteps behind me, quickly I had a drink and turned around to find Ryuzaki-sensei standing behind me. "What was that pamphlet you gave Tezuka?" she asked quite seriously. "It was for a top treatment and rehab center in Germany," I said without looking at her but instead watching the match being played near us.

"So you know about his shoulder?" she asked, "Of course I noticed the next day when he came to school," I said. I turned to face her, "If he goes now he can make it back for the nationals." "How do you expect to afford the treatment?" She asked seriously. "If I wanted I have ways to get him in free but otherwise I guess you can know, I am already a pro tennis player," I replied looking away from her. "I am the player Radiant Shadow, but no one knows so don't tell anyone," I said turning around to face her I looked at her reaction.

She was completely shocked but I guess I am not surprised I mean if you just found out the best tennis player in the world was standing right in front of you how would you react. "You, your Radiant Shadow," she said shocked "Yes, but I need you to keep it a secret and I am currently a third year at Rikkaidai," I finally said before walking back to the game.

It was currently singles 2, and Echizen was playing, "So what's been happening?" I asked. The opponent has just brought out a move called deep impulse," answered Shu-kun, so I asked him "do you understand how that move works?" "No idea," he said, "It is quite simple to copy," I sighed upset.

The opposing coach heard me and asked "Do you play a copying style similar to Waikato's?" "Nope, copying isn't my style but I can play it," I answered not even looking at her "You can play a copying style?" Shu-kun asked slightly surprised, "Yeah I can but when I play that style I dare you to try to pick up a difference between me and the real thing other that me being a girl and heights," I replied.

Then I turned to the opposition's coach and asked, "Would you like to see me play?" "Of course I would love to see you copy and compare you to Waikato," She replied, "I will verse the opponent you pick after this game," Was my only reply before turning back to the game. "This game will end 6 games to four with Echizen's win, Shu-kun will you let me borrow a racket I need to warm up," I said. "Of course take the one you always use," he said.

*Time Skip*

It was just like I said Seigaku's Echizen won with 6 games to four. I had just finished warming up and headed onto the court. "Whom do you want me to play?" I asked sure she would choose the captain. "My teams captain after all he can say whether your copy's are good enough," She answered just like I thought.

The match started with his serve, and I was slightly impressed by the speed but even then it isn't enough. I hit what looked to be a plain return but I copied Echizen's opponent the ball was heavy, really heavy. His racket was blown away shocking the group. "It was identical no difference between them," he muttered.

He continued to serve with his 100% serve and I just returned the same way, as before soon the score was one game to love. "Can you return your own serve?" I asked as we changed courts. I went to the service line and copied him everything was identical, where my feet were lined up everything and everyone noticed. "She is no newbie, she's on a completely different level," I heard one of the spectators whisper.

Soon enough I was showing moves from everyone in junior high the score was three games to love when he caved and when I noticed I had copied the yips by accident. 'Oh no' I thought I didn't mean to it just happens sometimes. I was broken from my thoughts when my opponent said "I forfeit," shocking the audience. The moment he said that I crossed the nets and touched the pressure points on his neck releasing him from yips. "I am so sorry I accidently copied the Rikkaidai captains yips," I said to him with a concerned face.

He just muttered "Even that, what can't you copy, what's your limit," My reply shocked him "I wont know until I get there will I," I turned to Shu-kun "I have to go it is getting late," So I turned around and walked towards the exit but before leaving I say "Tezuka-kun I suggest you take me up on my offer."

*Time Skip*

"Lissana!" I called out the moment I entered the door. Instantly Lissana appeared "Please go and collect my flute from my bedroom and bring it to me I will be waiting in the living room."

I walked into the living room and much to my absolute dismay my brother just happened to be talking to Yanagi Renji about tomorrow's training menu. 'Damn and there is no way to escape now that I called out for Lissana to assist me' I thought.

"Good evening Yanagi-san," I said it in completely formal manner. "Your Shado Seira, why on earth are you at Yukimura-buchou's house," I just ignored him and went to sit on a couch in the corner. My brother of course decided to explain, "This is my younger twin sister Yukimura Seira," Yanagi's eyes opened "Impossible, you look nothing alike," he said "Oh it is true, and for my looks my hair is dyed," I answered "Oh but if you tell anyone that Yukimura-san is my brother I will find the worst way possible to get back at you," I said with a smile but my eyes saying 'and it will be painful' he asked a question that didn't surprise me, "You called him Yukimura-san, shouldn't you call him Ani or Seiichi," I relied while smiling, "I will never call him my brother we may be twins in blood but I HATE him and my family with passion and will be gone by the end of the year," my brother looked at me. "While it is lovely to meet you I must be going," I said as Lissana entered the room and gave me my flute case.

With that final farewell I left the room.


Hi everyone this chapter is slightly longer than the rest can anyone guess how Yanagi will get Seira to join the Rikkaidai team as manager. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Oh and try to guess my age according to my writing I wonder what you all think.

-Snowstar1016 (Lilian White)

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