Chapter 10

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Monday Afterschool

Chresanto POV

I walked out of school walking to my car . I then seen Skyla leaning on the hood of my car and I sighed . She smiled at me and I faked smiled .

"Skyla why are you here." I said looking at her arm.

"What happened to your arm?"

"That's why I came to talk to you." She said standing straight folding arms .

"Me and My girls fought."

"What that gotta do with your arm" I said looking at it .

"We fought Miss Partner . Robyn." she said rolling her eyes pushing her long weave back.

"Ya jumped her ?' I said getting upset . "Are you Serious Skyla"

"Chresanto why the fuck you care ? She just a nerd your patterning with. For your last project grade ." she said putting her hands on her hips ."Beside me and you got more then a friendship."

She walked up on me as grabbed my shirt pulling herself in biting her lips . I kissed her and she kissed me . I didn't feel any spark there at all.

"Oh , Robyn ! I didn't see you there .." Skyla said smiling .

Robyn rolled her eyes and folded her arms . I felt like shit doing that. I didn't know she was there , but obviously Skyla did .

"Robyn .. We should get going." I said walking to my car door .

She sped up and skyla stepped infront of her . Then she whispered something in Robyn ear and her whole mood changed fast. I was confused .

"Robyn lets go." I said getting into the car .

Robyn POV

"Don't tell any one ." Skyla whispered to me .

I walk away and get into the car. I am so jealous of Skyla . She gets to have Chresanto and it's not even fair .

"What she tell you?" Chresanto said starting the car.

"Why I gotta tell you?" I said

rolling my eyes .

He sucked his teeth .

"Don't tell me then ! All you could have said was no. Stop giving me that bullshit ass attitude . And put on your seatbelt ." He said as he buckle his seat belt .

I put my seat belt on and folded my arms . I felt sleepy .... I wanted to go home . I want this project to be over with. I looked at Chresanto and he kept his eyes on the road , I looked out my window and my eyes kept slowly closing .... I'm so tired .

"Robyn you tired ? " Chresanto said .

"I haven't gotten sleep Working in this project the past four days . " I said sitting up.

"Well if you want u can sleep on my couch . I mean it's no problem. " he said in courtesy .

" Sure. "I said ..

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