The Gray Forest

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Now that where trapped

in a mythical gay stone land I regret listening to Hayden and Callie.

(Callie just told me to shut up and Hayden stuck his tongue out at me oh joy) Great how how even in a life or death situation they both still keep their teenage attitude's. I suppose now I should explain how we got in this mess.

It starts like this

Hallington your friends are here my mom called from downstairs. Send them up I called back, cringing at my name. My mom was the only one who still called me Hallington she was holding on to the hope I might start loving my name. When my two best friends finally came up the wasted no time with hi's or hello's. Instead Hayden said "Hallington" in a exzagurated fashion with a smirk on his face. I glared at him he knew I didn't like my name so he always teased me about it. Stop teasing Jump Hayden, Callie said in a annoyed voice. Hayden stuck out his tounge at Callie and smirked at her horrified face.

The nickname

now your probably thinking why the hell do they call me Jump? Now the reason for that is I am a naturally hyperactive person so if I get scared I ether jump, scream or both. Hayden was the one who came up with the nick name he loved to tap my shoulder knowing I would jump and then he would start laughing, It seemed he would never grow tired of watching me jump he did this so often that he started calling me jump this started in about second grade.

This did not endear him to my mom who loved my name and was crestfallen to know no one new me as Hallington I was called Jump as far as I and the rest of the world was conserned.

My dad on the other hand loved the nickname I was always called little frog by my dad.

Just to clear things up I do NOT I repeat not look in any way like a frog so don't get any ideas. I am hispanic girl with natrual super curly hair and strangely enough striaght bangs in front of my face, and brown eye's. Now enough about me I should probably tell you about Callie, and Hayden now right?

Well I'm just going to assume you said right and go ahead. Callie is pale like vampire pale even though she plays soccer which is just plain strange, Callie also has blond like bright blond not pale blond hair. Callie is the smart one out of us all because I can't make any of my plans go right for the life of me. Hayden he is hispanic to his hair is messy and all over the place its impossible to tame, he has brown eyes and really tan skin. Hayden is the joker out of all of us and the thing about him is he notices the things nobody else does to he's helpful in a bad situation.

Now that were done with intruductions lets head back to how the hell we got trapped in a mythical gray stone land. The reason were here again is because of my genius friends (note the sarcasam). Back to the story.

I rolled my eyes at my friends childishness Callie was always looking for a reason to repremand Hayden so it didn't surprise me that she was scolding him for teasing me it was natrual for Hayden to be teasing someone. Now all three of us ran outside to explore the forest some more for some reason all three of has had this weird contest where we found a huge tree and tried to climb it. Callie and Hayden loved making bets against each other it was fun to see one of them fail at somthing once Callie fell into the bush's from the porch on a skate board trying to beat Hayden, and Hayden totally failed at soccer he kept tripping over the ball.

So we all walked around the forest eatting apples Callie packed the snacks this time. eventually we started notices strange details gray acorns started being found Callie kept some saying they would be intresting for research then the grass was gray like the idiot I was I kept walking because Callie and Hayden were arguing about who was braver and had to keep going into the gray forest. We finally reached a stone arch with weird carvings Hayden looked at me and Callie and yelled race ya and ran to the stone arch so we ran through it and got trapped. As in we coulden't go back through or around gray everything and I mean everything. You idiot you got us trapped Callie fumed at Hayden. Your the one who followed me Hayden retorted. Shhhh!! someone or somthing could hear you I pointed out. I think I'll turn this story to Hayden now cause I'm to lazy to keep writing and he keeps poking me I'm about break his finger off.

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