DNA change

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There's a pounding in my head and a sting in my forearm. God make it stop it hurts so bad. Ugh, I'm reaching for the aspirin but my handily hits air, what the...?
Damn it. Still captured, still in a hospital bed and still have a headache. It feels like a hang over but acts like bitch. For a couple seconds you can over power it but then boom it hits back with an almighty anger.
"Ugh" I groan. I HATE hangovers. I think everyone does but the worst thing is, I didn't even get the experience of drinking and making mistakes that I would now usually be trying to figure out. No, I was stabbed with a needle and had some type of bitch injected into me.
I split my eyes open and am slapped in the face with the harsh reality that I'm in a makeshift hospital room.
I want to speak and ask someone what's happening but my body rejects the idea with a harsh pain in all my muscles. It feels like I'm being torn apart. One cell at a time.
"help" I whisper for help, alas I am to quiet for any ears to hear, or so I think or thought or whatever, someone's coming. It's that creepy guy.
"What have you done to me?" I ask slightly more strong than last time.
The man laughs and comes closer to my face. "I see that it's working, so what do you feel right now, is it like your being pulled apart cell by cell, or that each cell in your body is on fire?" He says with a grin. I hold up one finger, indicating the first option. "OH HALLELUJAH!! Nancy write this down, test results for experiment 8 are positive, subject can with stand to pain and cells are changing." His sudden out burst made me jump which considering the pain I'm going through is a bad thing.
"What have you done?!" I try to yell but fade out at the end.
"I have removed all wolf dna from your cells, you are now a full human, funny thing is it's affecting your physical appearance more than expected, we knew the ears and eyes would go but the hair is... questionable, as well as the skin tone, BUT on the bright side, you will never deal with your ears or eyes again!" He seems so excited. All he did was delete my wolf from me... oh my god. No wolf, no strength, no super hearing, no super eye sight. No unique-ness. THAT PIECE OF...!!!!! He took away my abilities. Mind you it will be nice not to have to deal with hiding my ears out in public with non wolfies and stuff.
"Now because you won't be as strong and stuff it's gonna take some time to adjust..." before he could finish I pounced on him and began hitting him. Surprisingly it felt...good. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. I look down at the pathetic thing in front of me to see him bashed, he was bashed good.
I get off him and jump on the bed.
"Serves ya right for messing with ma wolf." I say and cross my legs. He is beginning to heal already and with in one minute he was completely healed.
"Okay, so I think my strength is the same bc I just broke four of your bones, two of them were your ribs, soooo...yeah." I say lying back with my legs still in criss cross position.
"Your definitely the same strength, okay let's try hearing. I will tell two truths and one lie-" "that's a lie your heart beat rose, you weren't going to lie" I say casually.
"Good, now for-" "eyesight" I cut him off again.
"Yes" he says beginning to get annoyed. " oh and I'm Scott by the way" he says holding out his hand. "You have a buzzer in your hand I can smell the smoke." He looks impressed and puts his hand back in his pocket slipping off the buzzer as he does so. I look at the door and focus on my eyes, it's a struggle but I can transfer my eyes into heat detective thingy mabobs. There is two guards, one sitting on the ground with one leg spread out across the hall, the other leaning on the door. I repeat this out loud and Scott claps.
"Good, good." He says " this has worked exceptionally well, your wolf is gone but your abilities stay. You know we have done this experiment seven times before you, three times they died, two lost all abilities, one they killed themselves, and one was... how you say, put down because of violent interactions." Scott says with no remorse. Seven people died before me because of this, I could have died! "I COULD HAVE DIED YOU JERK! YOU PUT ME IN DANGER!" I scream at him but he just laughs," we were close to certain this would work" CLOSE! CLOSE!! He was close to certain!!
"Any way moving on, do you have a mirror?" I ask, I might have been kidnapped and injected but I wanna see what I look like after three months. "Yeah, just in the corner." He says pointing to the corner where a full body mirror stood leaning on the wall. I step over to it and gasp when I see my reflection. My pale skin is now a perfect olive tan completion, no breakouts what so ever, my hair is long waist length and had changed colour to an unnatural colour of plum but somehow my new face can make it look natural, my eyes are no longer green but a warm brown. The freckles I grew to hate are now gone. My eyebrows match my hair but are more brownish black than my hair, I look at my roots which seem to fade to a dark purple. Naturally my lips used to be pale as but now they're a warm pinkish red. Over all I looked damn good. I am wearing a long white shirt that reaches mid thigh and leggings.
"How long was I unconscious for?" I ask. "Around a fortnight." He replies.
"Okay, uhm what are you going to do to me?" I ask. "Well I want you to join me and my crew in taking down any violent wolfs. But first, just to make sure that you are in our side we are sending you back to school, where all you 'friends' are." He says air quoting 'friends'.
" why?" I ask, he doesn't exactly seem like a nice person, he kidnapped me, starved me, bleed me, injected me, and left me unconscious for two weeks. "Because I want you to see what true friends you really have" he says.
"Thanks, I guess."

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