Dolphin Names

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I was minding my own business, resting my eyes under the heat of the sun. I could hear Gray sniggering but I just ignored it. Big mistake. I let out a high pitched scream, gaining the attention of the people around the pool, as ice cold water splashed on to me. I jumped straight up from my sun lounger to see, Gray in fits of laughter and Owen chuckling whilst holding Olivia. I was drenched from head to toe. Shock, was the only emotion I had. I was unsure whether to be angry at them or laugh with them. "Oh, c'mon you know it funny" Owen said wriggling his eyebrows at me. That threw me over the edge and I burst out laughing. I didn't need a towel, the water was quite refreshing due to heat. Zach was laughing with us; Karen and Scott came out the pool to find out what all the commotion was about. "'s...i...idea" Gray managed in between giggles. I immediately stopped laughing and frowned at Owen. "Owen Grady" I said raising my eyebrows. "You know ya love me really" he smirked back. He stepped in and kissed the top on my forehead which was drying rather quickly.

"Mitchell-Grady, party?" A man with a native accent called out over the pool area. Karen signalled the man over. "Aloha, I hope you're all having fun. I'm Makoa but you can call me Mak; I'll be your official island guide for today. I hope you're all ready 'cause we're about to swim with dolphins!" He spoke enthusiastically.

He had a dark complexion, a slim but muscular build. Makoa was wearing a white tank top and neon pink board shorts. His hair was black, shaved at the sides and ski sloped on top. Judging by the way his hair was styled and dress sense, Makoa was only a few years older than Zach.

"OMG!!! Dolphins!!! Claire!!! Dolphins!!! Why didn't anyone tell me!!!" Owen squealed like a little girl. "Owen. You were told more than once" I sighed. "You'll have to excuse him, he acts a lot younger than he is" I spoke apologetically to Makoa. "It's cool, so if you all would like to follow me. We can get started" Mak chuckled at Owen's behaviour.

I took Olivia off Owen as we followed Makoa to the dolphin pool. I was pretty sure that Owen was 10 times more excited than Gray. "Here we are, just to let you know the Dolphins are only in here for public sessions. They usually have a lot more space" Makoa said as he shut the gates behind us. "Can I go first please?!?" Gray was jumping up and down with excitement. Owen gave a tut of disappointment which made us all laugh. "Sure, we'll have to go one at a time so we don't overwhelm them" Makoa said taking his top off. "Are you confident enough at swimming not to wear a life vest?" He asked Gray. Gray nodded eagerly.

"What are their names?" Zach asked sitting down in the shaded seating area. "Ripple, River, Runnel and Blue. She's my beta." Makoa pointed to each dolphin, the last one had deep blue eyes. "Those guys okay?" He asked Karen and Scott. I don't blame him either; four of us were flickering our eyes from Makoa to Blue. Our jaws had aimlessly fallen open. "Errm, nothing" I said shaking myself out of my daze. "We're fine" Zach muttered trying to back me up.

Makoa helped Gray down the ladder into the pool. They just stood around for bit, whilst Mak was explaining that they had to let the Dolphins get use to them. Gray couldn't stop smiling as he petted them. "Hey, Owen. Are you okay?" I asked so only he could hear me. He had been starting into space since Makoa said ...and Blue. She's my beta. I completely understood why, even Zach, Gray and I all zoned out at those words. "Ye...yeah" Owen's voice began to crack but he forced himself not to break. "It's just. They were like my Isla Nublar family. I probably shouldn't of had a favourite but it was Blue. I know it sounds stupid but I loved them like family, especially Blue" Owen sighed but smiled lightly at the memory of them. "It's not stupid and I know that they loved you. I'll always listen, when you want to talk about them" I kept my voice soft and quiet. "Thank you" Owen smiled. He tucked a piece of hair behind ear and gave me a small peck on the lips. I could feel him smile through it, as it tickled my lips. I couldn't help it but I laughed. "Hey, why you're laughing" Owen was half amused and half pouty. "Your lips were tickling me" I replied innocently. "Well hopefully they won't this time" Owen laughed lightly. He leant in again and planted a firm kiss on my lips; I felt him smile yet again, but thankfully I didn't laugh. "I love you" Owen said. "Okay, good to know" I teased. I got up to go to the pool as it was my turn. Owen would go after me and he was the last out of us. "Hey! Not fair" Owen frown. "Okay, okay. I love you too" I replied and blew him a kissed.

The Dolphins were so cute and friendly, I didn't mind that my hair got wet. Owen seemed alright once he got in the pool with the Dolphins. They reminded him of his ones back home and of course they triggered raptor memories. Owen was enjoying himself. He kept laughing at how the dolphins were trying to splash him. "I've never seen them like a tourist as much as you" Makoa wondered out loud. "What can I say, I'm a natural" Owen had returned to his usual cocky self. I shook my head at him whilst we all laughed. "I hate to be a spoil-sport, but the girls have to go for lunch" Makoa sympathised. In response he got a chorus of 'aahhs', mainly from Owen. "I know, we've all had a lot of fun. You now can go and get really for the walking island tour" Mak explained as he helped Owen out of the pool. "Thank you, Makoa. Should we meet you in the lobby at about one o'clock?" Karen asked checking the time on her phone. "That's sounds good, see you guys later" Makoa smiled as we left the pool area.

"So if we head back to our rooms for about, 20 minutes so we can freshen up" I suggested as we walked back into the hotel. "Yeah, then we can meet back here and have lunch" Karen replied. We bundled into the empty elevator. "Isn't it weird how Makoa's beta was named Blue?" Gray asked no one in particular. My stomach dropped and not because of the elevator. Owen hated talking about his raptors at the best of times. I know Gray didn't mean to but he created a tense atmosphere. I heard Owen draw in a sharp breath, someone had to speak. I scanned my eyes around the elevator under the pressure. "Yeah, all the Dolphins' names began with R, then there is the random B" Zach saved the situation. I felt Owen relax beside me. I mouthed a thank you Zach, who just responded with a nod. A few moments later Karen, Scott and the boys got off at their floor.

A/N: Hey guys, hoped you liked it. That was much easier to write than the last couple of chapters. Bare with the slow updates, I seem to finish one piece of course work then have another stack of Homework to do as well as sports. Can't remember if I mentioned my internet ban??? Anyways it was lifted because of a good school report. Thank goodness my teachers like me and my sister gets bad reports 🤗

Like I'm gonna lose you (Clawen)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara