22. Cowboys and Hybrids

Start from the beginning

"What? What snap? What are y- ... Oh, my brother. Of course."

He jolted. "Kol did this to me?! My neck hurts like hell. And anyway, I woke up, back in my bed. The phone ringing shook me awake."

I frowned. "Lovely. Now they're probably gone, and somewhere off around New York, getting hunted by Katherine's minions."

He could probably hear the anger in my voice, because he quickly coughed and a hung up. I'm a thousand years old. I am not stupid.

I was disturbed by someone slamming open the front door and letting the rain pour inside. I squinted and peered closer to see none other than Kol standing on the door step. I chuckled.

"Looks like someone hasn't been invited in."

He just rolled his eyes and leaned against the door frame. "Oh I just thought you'd like to know that Grace's dad has taken her to Seattle for the week. Perfect timing huh?"

He was my most sarcastic sibling, and his little smirk annoyed me. A lot. I gulped down my drink.

"Well I guess Seattle is better than New York. And without you."

He glared at me. "What about me?"

I shrugged, smirking. "You lead her astray, that's all."

He started backing away from the house. "Well she didn't seem very happy to be going. And I will see you again later, brother."

I nodded to him, then slammed the door in his face. At least Grace was out of the way for what I was gonna do to her dear friend Tyler. His incapableness did not match well with his overconfidence.


Grace's POV

My head leaned against the window of the huge car, and it bumped up and down as my father sped over the potholes. He was never really a cautious driver.

The radio blared in the backround, playing some country song that he loved so much, but I despised that kind of music. Basically, me and my father couldn't be more different. But he tried so hard.

"You tired?"

I broke out of my thoughts to see him turned to me, hands still on the steering wheel.

"Sort of." I yawned.

He laughed and looked back ahead. "Well your old bed is still set up and everything. Same ol' apartment as last time."

I smiled at my father, but felt sad for him. He needed to find a woman. It seemed so lonely in his roomy apartment. And he was reasonably handsome.

He had sandy blonde hair, which was always tussled and messy, but in a good way. His huge grin could make anyone smile, and he had friendly blue eyes, which sparkled when he laughed.

But he always had them covered up with those stupid aviators he constantly wore. Maybe I should give him a makeover, preferably leaning away from cowboy fashion.


After about an hour, we arrived at his home. It was pretty flash actually, views out onto the city, glass sliding doors onto balconies. I settled back into my bedroom quickly, staring around in wonder at all the posters from my fandom stages.

And there was plenty. One direction, Twilight, Justin Bieber. I had gone through all the phases. Searching through my old junk drawers, I found old notes from friends, and different bits and bobs from when I lived here with my parents together.

I missed my humanity. I missed it more than ever now, that I could see all the fun memories of when I didn't have the constant bloodlust.

Even that car trip with my Dad made my throat burn, and I knew that I would have to get some blood down me somehow this week.

As I lay on my bed, going through past treasures, tears slowly dripped down my face, and onto the photo frames showing a normal life that I would never again have.


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