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Rui had always been shy and antisocial. Well, he tried to be antisocial, but sometimes it didn't work. He would constantly find himself the center of a group of girl's attention. They'd fawn over him and fuss about him and his petiteness. It was embarrassing for him, to say the least. He was sixteen, and having a bunch of freshmen all over him wasn't exactly the greatest way to go around making friends.

One day, just as he walked into the gym for class, a jock came up to him and grabbed him by the shirt, twisting it and lifting the brunette up. "Hey Pipsqueak, where's your little group of girlfriends?"

"H-Hey! Put me down!" Rui struggled to get out of the much taller boys' grip, grabbing at his hand and trying to wrench himself free. "I never did anything to you!"

"Tch-" The football player clicked his tongue a few times and slammed Rui up against the wall, causing the small boy to lose his air and gasp for breath. The jock laughed, "You're so weak, it's a wonder you're not dead yet!" A group had gathered around the two at this point, most pointing and laughing, and some standing silently. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Let...Let me go..." Rui gasped, still holding onto the jock's arm. His bright hazel eyes were half-lidded with the exhaustion of fighting back and he was beginning to lose energy as well. He stared right into the eyes the other, unmoving. The jock glared back at him and forced the smaller boy farther against the wall, tightening his grip on his neck. "Gh-"

In the background, a boy with worried [e/c] eyes spoke up. "Hey! Put him down!" The jock turned around and glared at him. "He didn't do anything to you, so why not pick on someone your own size?"

"[M/Name]!" [b/f] looked at the boy, shocked. "Don't pick a fight with him! It's not worth it." They put a hand on his arm and shook their head, trying to deter the boy from going and helping. "Let's just wait until the teacher comes back..."

[M/Name] looked back over to Rui and the jock with worried eyes. "No, I need to do something about it! He'll murder that boy if he keeps it up!" He put his friends' hand down and started making his way through the crowd of people until he was right behind the jock. "Hey! I said put him down!"

"Alright, as you wish!" The jock let go of Rui's neck, letting him fall to the ground with a rather loud thud. The group let out a collective gasp, which only made the jock laugh. "You wanna fight me?"

Before [M/Name] could answer, the bell rang and the P.E. coach walked in. "What happened here?!"

"Coach! [Enemy Name] assaulted the short kid!" One of the kids ran over to the coach and pointed at the jock accusingly. "He slammed him against the wall and everything!"

"And you kids didn't think to come find me?" The coach quirked an eyebrow curiously, crossing her arms over her chest. She made her way to the rest of the group and stood before the football player, tapping her foot angrily. "Explain to me, [E/N], just why you thought it was a good idea to pick on Rui?"

[E/N] was silent, staring down at the teacher for a moment. "He started calling me names!" He defended, though not that well. The coach looked at him in disbelief.

"Did you call [E/N] anything, Rui?" She looked down to Rui on the floor, who shook his head slowly. "Ah, alright." She clicked her tongue and looked back at [E/N], rather angry. "I can't believe you. I thought I made it clear you have no right to pick on anyone in this class!" She let out a sigh, tapping her foot once more. "[E/N], come with me to the office. We're going to have a nice talk with the principal about this." She turned to the class, "Would someone please take Rui to the nurse?"

[M/Name] rose his hand, "I'll go, Miss." The coach smiled and nodded before taking [E/N] away from the gym, and [b/f] looked to him. "What? I did what I could." He sighed and turned to Rui, who was slumped against the wall slightly. "Can you stand?"

"Not on my own..." Rui said quietly. He pushed some of his hair out of his face and sighed a bit, then coughed. "Thanks... Thanks for helping me." [M/Name] shook his head and held out his hands, helping the short brunette up to his feet.

"It was nothing..." [M/Name] smiled a bit, helping Rui out the door. "Let's just get you to the nurse, hm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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