Girls night

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Merry Christmas
Your gift from me is this update becau ei felt bad for not updating since the dinosaurs walked the earth. Hey I've been busy. High school is hard and being on a sports team doesn't help.

Ariana's pov
After that night with Sean and Liam I decided to just take a break from both of them. Tonight it's girls night. The doorbell rang but they walked in any way.
"Hey Grande! I got the wine." That was Liz.
"I have the popcorn." Kendall.
"I have the movies." Selena.
"I brought the jokes!" Kylie.
I walked into my foyer and over to my friends. I smiled.
"Hey guys."
"Hey girl! You ready to get this started?"
"Yeah let's go." We head to my living room and set everything up. It was nice as we say and talked.
"So Ariana how's your love life?"
"I thought you were flirting with that Hemsworth guy." Kendall asks confused.
"Well I am but like Sean is back and he's being all nice and stuff and caring and like it's confusing."
"You're getting back with him?"
"Maybe, no, yes, I don't know that's what I'm saying it's all so complicated."
"Why do you think he's back."
"He wants me back."
"But is there any chance that he has some ulterior motive."
"I can't think of one."
"You sure?"
"Well I mean like he's always been sort of in it for the long haul so I guess this whole wanting me back thing isn't out of character."
"I mean I went through the same thing with Justin." Selena points out.
"Trust me I know, he's relentless with you."
"He tried everything, eventually I decided that I was tired of getting my heart broken and I finally just gave up." I nodded.
"I mean my new music is coming out soon and I think he wants a track on my album so that could be motive."
"It could be his management." Liz suggests.
"True. They could be forcing him so he can do what's best for his career" Kylie agrees.
"He wouldn't do that. He just wouldn't, he knows if work with him no matter our status because I may stop loving him romantically but I will forever love him as a musician."
"Are you sure he knows that?"
"You know I never thought of it that way because I always assumed he knew that our musician lives aren't bonded with our personal lives."
"Maybe he doesn't and the whole thing with forgiveness has been a plot to get on your next album." Kylie says.
"No he loves her that's why he keeps coming a disease." Liz says causing everyone to laugh.
"Hey! He still loves me and I him and I think that's wonderful."
"But with the way he's been treating you, are you sure?"
"Positive. I can never stop loving him no matter how bad he hurts me."
"Ariana I love you sweetheart but you're going to have to let him go eventually, especially if you're going to be messing around with Liam." Kendall tells me.
"Trust me guys hate it if you don't officially tell them it's never going to happen and you flirt with other guys."
"I'm sure that's true but he was fine with other guys kissing me and touching me during the filming got the movie."
"Yeah but that was your job. You had to do that."
"I don't have to do anything but I get what you're saying. I just...feel bad because I actually feel something with Liam who treats me right and loves me eternally but nothing compares to Sean although he always hurts me.  He's just that one bad habit you can't quit, like smoking."
"That's deadly Ariana."
"And so is being in love with Sean." I say quietly. We used to be so fucking happy. I remember Christmas together a while back.
"Baby! Welcome!" I squealed letting him inside. He hugged me picking me up off the ground a little.
"Hey baby girl."
"Come in." I say pulling him inside of my house. He had four gifts in his hand.
"Hey babe these are for you, Joan, Frankie, and Nona."
"Aw babe how sweet! You can just put them under the tree." I gesture towards it and he walks and places them under the tree. He follows me into the kitchen hugging my mom and my Nona. Then bro hugged Zachary and Frankie.
"So babe what do you want to do first?" I ask him beaming.
"Whatever is on your heart beautiful." I blush and take his hand guiding him to my dining room where we had set up an area to make ginger bread houses. We started putting the pieces together and he kept making the edges all Sloppy so I had to fix them of course.
"Babe every little inch does not have to be perfect." He tells me with a smirk.
"Well to me it does so I'll continue to fix your sloppy edges."
"Whose edges you calling sloppy?"
"Hey my edges are made gray way as a statement."
"And what statement is that? I clearly have no eye hand coordination?"
"The edges are artistically sculpted to reflect the uncertainty faced when building a house." I giggle.
"Whatever." After that we opened gifts and everyone got something sweet from each person then it was my turn. I opened it and it was a beautiful diamond necklace.
"This is for you kitty because you are a diamond. One of a kind." He says placing it around my neck.
"You're so sweet."
"You've said sweet at least seventeen times today."
"I know because it's Christmas everything is so sweet."
"Reasonable explanation." I giggle. He wrapped his arms around me from behind as we say on the couch and watched Christmas movies while my mom and Nona made dinner. Frankie and Zachary were doing their couple thing with Zach's arms wrapped securely around Frankie as He leaned his head back on Zach's chest. Pukeable to be honest but me and Sean are literally about to do the same thing.
"Ari I love you."
"I love you too Sean."
"Merry Christmas babe."
"Hm is that mistletoe?" I say looking above me.
"I don't see where yo..." I cut him off with a kiss right on his lips which he gladly returned and then we heard the other love birds coo at us. We separated and I rested my head back on his lap.
"Justin was right. Your lips on my lips that's a Merry Merry Christmas." I joke to which he chuckles and pecks my lips.
Flashback over

"Earth to Ariana!" There was a hand moving in front of my face.
"I'm here."
"Where'd you go?" Selena asks.
"Christmas with Sean."
"Jesus Ari you can't keep thinking about him, it'll only make it harder for you to choose." Liz tells me with an attitude.
"But I love him."
"Yeah but he hurt you." Kendall reminds me.
"Ariana focus. Forget about him a mad about Liam this is girls night so act like it." Liz scolds
"Yeah alright." But Sean.....

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