2. questions

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•if you have any questions feel free to leave them below, shoot me a PM or email me•

• how to get involved?

You don't need to write a story, simply place the hashtag on your profile to display your involvement. And if you already have a story published which you feel houses the criteria (humanity), then by all means add the tag. The length, language, plot, etc is up to you. All I ask is the support gained and globalised.

• what does Fight4Humanity stand for?

Exactly what it says, it's time to stand up and stop being oblivious to the major issues that shit-storm around the world everyday. People die due to war built on religion on a daily basis, racism is still conducted, bully of those with disabilities or are different is a common occurrence! Media grants us so many opportunists to fight against these matters and yet we turn blind eyes, or mumble a simple 'that's there problem, not mine'. This needs to stop. That's is why I believe, protesters shouldn't simply campaign for a single movement, but for all movements!


I will be creating reading lists where all your stories supporting the movement will be added (thus remember to hashtag all of them). I'll also be creating a sticker that you can add to your covers if you'd like too... considering everyone on Wattpad loves them and it's a great way of visually showcasing support. It also creates a group of like-minded people joining together to campaign the same ideology.


Can't wait to see all your stories, have fun and remember to fight for the world by fighting for humanity!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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