Vincent x Scott Adele's Hello

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Based on the song Hello by Adele

Vincent sighed softly as he looked up at the run downed  house. He ran a hand through his purple locks glancing at the cracked window that seemed to have seven layers of dust and age. He walked up the porch steps and carefully opened the door. It seemed like the outside was in much better condition that the inside.

Emotions instantly came to Vincent but he took a deep breath clenching his hand before shutting the door quietly behind him. "Hello?" He called out, hoping perhaps he'd hear his voice. Of course he got no answer though that didn't surprise him.

He walked farther into the worn down house that he had loved so dearly. Walking into the kitchen he had to grab the counter for support as he was put back into a older memory of his.

Flashback (Vincent's POV.)

I smirked softly to myself as I slowly snuck up behind my boyfriend. My hands went to his sides instantly making him jump and quickly turn around. I bursted out laughing as he glared at me playfully. "You ass!" He stomped his foot down and turned back around to whatever he had been cooking.

My laughter slowly died down as I wrapped my arms around him from behind, nuzzling his neck softly. He turned his head though trying to ignore me. I smirked softly and nipped his ear ever so gently and whispered "Come on Scotty you can't ignore me. I know you and you suck at ignoring me." A small smile started to creep onto his lips but he just shook his head trying to hide it away.

"Nope." Was all he could say which made me chuckle once more.

I leaned up pressing my body against his from behind. My lips moving onto his neck, showing it with kisses. I could feel him shiver in my arms slightly and then let out a pleasure filled breath. "Forgive me yet?" I whispered against his neck grinning.

He smiled and rolled his eyes but nodded before saying "Only if you try this." He held a piece of pizza he had made. I unwrapped one of my arms from around his waist and took hold of it as I took a big bite. It was so awful. The dough wasn't baked all the way and the cheese not melted barely at all, pepperoni's still hard.

I smiled and kissed his cheek as I took another bite. "Delicious babe."

End of Flashback (Still Vincent's POV.)

I could feel a small smile come to my lips as I thought about that. I walked over to the dust filled table and sat down at one of the chairs. I took my phone out and called his number once again. What was this? Maybe the fifth time I called him today? It was because this was the day.. the day he left.. the day I fucked everything up.

"Uh.. hey it's me again. I'm at the house and was wondering.. I don't know.. I'm gonna be here all day though so.. please stop bye." I hung up rubbing my face as I let out a shaky breath. I got up once again and walked into the other room.

I stopped though when I saw the piano. God.. the piano.. how many times had he asked me to play that for him? I slowly stepped over there and reached a hand out to touch it. My hand hesitated though, as if just a touch would hurt me.. and hurt me it did as I was thrown back into a memory.


"Come on Vinny!" He whined cutely as he tugged on my arm looking at the polished piano. "Play it for me! You promised! You said 'I'll do it for you tonight after work' that's what you said Vinny!" He stomped his foot like he does all the time.

"Alright, alright Scotty!" I laughed softly and walked over to it. I sat down and cracked my fingers slightly. How long had it been since the last time I played this thing? Couple weeks ago maybe?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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