Chapter 2

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Toronto, Canada, present day


Today I went to school without Jack. I'm not in the mood to put up with him.

"Raven what's going on?" Laura asks worried.

"I have a bad feeling." I admit.

"Bad? Towards what?"

"Towards the Demons."

"Oh..." She murmurs.


I left the house with huge dark circles. I cried all night long. Turns out I was just a toy. Brenda's stupid toy.

I decided to take a different path today. The most far away and dangerous path. Well, this is where I die.

On the streets the homeless and junkies look at me, curious. Just as I do to be honest.
I kick the lid off of several beverage bottles.
I ask myself if poor kids once drank these famous beverages by chance. Or a fat drug addict kid.

I hear a roar. We're not in the jungle. I get close to the dead end and see a tiger. What the fuck?

When I find myself I feel completely altered. I leave the alley kinda dizzy. I walk to school. Better late than never.

"No Steven. Like, let me go! Enough!"
I see a statuette known as Raven talking on the cellphone. She puts her phone in her pocket. My vision gets kinda blurry. Instead of Raven I saw a huge white tiger. Did somebody drugged me? The girl's eyes look into mine. I could feel her heart beating. I saw all of her veins. She swears and comes close to me.

"Ashton! So nice to see you!" She exclaims cynically. I COULD SEE HER HEART BEATING! Now I'm sure they had drugged me. I take a good look at it and it was a completely black heart. I looked around and saw people's bodies. To tell the truth it wasn't that pleasant to see people's guts.

"Get out of my way!" Anger was taking over me and I don't even know why. I felt my eyes turning black.

"Fuck Ashton!" At that moment I just wanted to kill Raven. I don't know why. I really don't. I try to suffocate her but her tremendous strength prevents me from doing so. "We really have to control you."


I call a cab. I can control Ashton's hands. With some difficulty. I tell the cab driver my address. In a short time we get there. I hand him some money not caring about the change. I thank the driver.

I open my house's door and shut it immediately. I take Ashton to the bathroom.

"Do you like hot or cold water?"

"Hot! Now let me go!"

I put cold water running. I go and get ice bags in an instant to the freezer. I open them with my hands and dump them in the bathtub so the water gets even colder. I tear Ashton's polo shirt which makes him even angrier. It probably was his favourite shirt. Next I look for some scissors in the bathroom's white drawers so I can cut his pants off. I cut them and take them off. He was completely furious. His eyes were pitch black. In a quick move I toss him inside the tub and keep him in there so he can calm down. I keep his entire body there until he stops moving. When he finally stops moving I take him out of there, wetting the floor. I grab a towel and cover the freezing guy.

"You just helped me." I swear this guy...

"I had to." I say as I shrug.


"I'll explain it to you in a second. I'm gonna get you some of Jack's clothes. Sit down."


Jet Black Heart - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now