He smiles and nods his head. "Yes we are". 

"How long have we been together"? I ask. 

"It'll be two years in about three months".  

I eyes grew wide and my mouth dropped. Justin chuckled a bit and squeezed my hand gently. 

"It's honestly been the best almost two years of my life".  He adds, which almost makes me want to slap myself to see of this is all some crazy dream.  

"Wow, that's great, I just wish I remembered". I say sighing. 

"Hey, it's okay. Everything will get better".  He says. 

"Now, why don't you get some rest and we can talk more when we get home tomorrow". 

"We live together to"? 

"Yes baby". he says smiling and leaning back in his chair closing his eyes. 




Justin helps me into the house and I sit on the couch. He runs back outside and  brings in the pizza we ordered for us to have for dinner. I look around the massive house that supposedly Justin and I shared. I tried to remember but I couldn't. I stood up and began to walk around. There were picture frames on the walls and tables. Some photos were of Justin and his crew, others were of him and his family. When I looked closer at some of the pictures I noticed I was In some of them. In one picture I was kneeling down with Justin smiling beside his siblings, another I was standing in between him and Scooter. No matter how many pictures I looked at, I couldn't gain any memory of taking them. 

"Hey babe, where are you"? I heard Justin call out. 

"In here"! I yell. 

He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my torso. "Come eat and lets watch a movie". 

I follow him back into the living room and the boxes of pizza were opened up on the table. We sit down and Justin puts on the movie "Ride Along" with Kevin Heart and Ice Cube.  

When the movie was over I had to use the bathroom really bad. 

"I need to use the restroom". I say standing up. 

Justin looked at me with a confused face. 

"I don't know where it's at". I blankly say. 

"Oh shit, right, umm, here I"ll show you". He says standing up. 

He leads me down the hall to a half bathroom. After I'm done I wash my hands and stare at myself in the mirror. 

He doesn't need this.  I think to myself. 

I tried so hard not to start crying but I wasn't strong enough. The tears began to flow from my eyes and my nose was getting stuffy. 

"Paige? What's wrong"? I hear Justin knock at the door. 

I open the door and Justin's eye filled with concern. I push past him and go back into the living room. 

"Baby, talk to me".  He says sitting next me. 

"You don't need to deal with this. I may never gain back my memory and I don't want to be a burden to you". I cry. 

He pulls me into his lap and I try to push away but he holds onto me tightly. 

"Listen to me, i'm never ever going to give up on you or us. We are in this together, no matter what. I won't let you go through this alone. I love you Paige, back when you had your memory and now when you don't". He says crying along with me. 

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now