Chapter 11

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The first thing Barrett saw when he woke up was Emily, her face mere inches from his, her breath surprisingly sweet for morning, her chest rising and falling in deep sleep. His arm lay heavy and limp over her hip, caught in covers, curled under her. Sun filtered into their room, highlighting her light hair like a halo and bathing her pale skin in warmth. She was an angel, a vision, and she was lying next to him. The revelations about her sexuality aside, the words that meant the most to him last night were these: I know what I want when this weekend is over.

Emily Edwards wanted him.

For as much as Barrett ruled a board room like a kingdom, buying and selling billion dollar companies with the flick of his wrist or a nod of his head, women had never actually been his forte. He'd never wanted for female companionship, of course, but his serious romantic relationships could be counted on one hand. They were always complicated by the image of a much younger woman lingering in the back of his mind.

He rolled to his back, then swung his legs over the bed. He'd slept in his dress shirt and suit pants, not daring to move after pulling her head to his and hearing her soft, deep breathing soon after. It would have taken a natural disaster for him to budge.

As much as he'd like to stare at Emily all morning, the reality was that he had a deal to close and the best way to clear his head would be to take a morning run. He rummaged through his suitcase quietly, changed into navy shorts and a long-sleeved running shirt, pulling on his shoes and socks in the chair by the fireplace.

He looked back over at Sleeping Beauty, and he didn't want to wake her, but he didn't want to leave her either. He made his way softly to her side of the bed and squatted down until his nose was level with hers.

"Em," he whispered. ""Emmy Faith."

She inhaled deeply, her eyes still closed and her voice low and sleepy. "Barrett?"

"I'm going for a run."

"Hmm," she murmured.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers, which parted softly as a low, breathy moan escaped her throat. "Barrett."

"I'll be back," he whispered, nuzzling her nose before drawing back and standing up.

Leaving her was hell.

Thank God tomorrow was Sunday.


"So?" demanded Valeria. "More details about Operation Bundle, please!"

Emily tilted her head and wedged the phone between her ear and shoulder so she could brush her teeth.

"I can' lie. I's hard."

"Are you brushing your teeth while we're on the phone? You're disgusting, Emily."

Emily spat with gusto, then grinned at her reflection.

"You love me. You know it."

"I don't think I'm the only one."

"Val! He hasn't come remotely close to sharing that feeling."

"Who are you kidding? Recounting your childhood and adolescence like that? Falling asleep with his forehead pressed against yours, fully dressed? He's not just interested in burning a hole in your panties. He likes you. He really likes you."

"I really like him," said Emily, pulling her skinny jeans and cable knit sweater out of her suitcase. On today's agenda? A yacht ride with lunch. And though it was sunny, it would also be a high of fifty-eight degrees on the water. Chilly.

"Hey Em, did you tell him about your special status?"

"God, you make me sound like I belong in quarantine."

Breaking Up With Barrett, The English Brothers #1Where stories live. Discover now