The way down

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The rest laughed at his idea. "I'm not joking" said Gerald."oh shit, your serious" said Wendy."who's with me" said Gerald. " I will" said Elliot and Jamie. " I can't leave my Gerald alone" said Wendy. "I  will defend you" said Doris "you weaklings" sis was stuck she didn't want to be different and unwillingly joined. "Now everyone is... Ready" Gerald asked "sis and I will tie up the ropes, you guys find resources.

Gerald looked around " sis and Jamie your up first" they slide down the rope " shout when you find ground" a minute later we hear sis shouting. Doris and Elliot go down next then me and Wendy. The climb was horrible the rocks were sharp and cut as we climbed down. We finally reached the bottom we all got together and then something happened...

Soulless onesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt