Amelia, Jack, and the ShapeShifter

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By: Cheerkrazy

It was a quiet, calm Tuesday evening. I was just curled up on the couch with a good book. Then, I got it.

The call.


It was Jack. He sounded like he was out of breath.

"Jack!" I said. "What's wrong!?"

He pants heavily. "Well, I...."

"YOU WHAT!?" I screamed. 'Ugh boys' I thought to myself.

"Just come down behind the school, by the dumpsters.." he said.

"But wh-" is all I could get out before he hung up.

I guess the only way to get to the bottom of this nonsense is to go down there myself.

So that's what I did.

I got dressed, strapped on my coat and slipped my boots on. Then, I headed down to the school.

My first mistake.

As soon as I got to the school, I swiftly slipped along the wall, to the back.

Standing right there, panting the way he was on the phone, was Jack.

He motioned behind the dumpsters and says "Come on, Amelia."

'Ugh, garbage..' I thought to myself, but went anyways.

My second mistake.

I went behind the dumpster, trying not to get hit by garbage, but I failed.

And standing there I saw.....

My little brother Leo.

"Seriously?" I said. "THIS is what you called me here for!?"

Jack shook his head.

"Not JUST this..." he looked over at Leo. "Show her."

Leo looked at me, then at Jack. He nods.

And there, right then, I thought I was going crazy.

What was once my little brother, was a man's body with the head of a tiger.

I screamed my head off. "LEO!"

He nodded, ashamed.

"I'm a shape shifter... I never told you..." he said.

"No...really?" I said, obviously sarcastically.

With a snap of his fingers, he was Leo again.

"The reason I didn't tell you was because..."

My last mistake of the night.

Because if I knew his secret, I'd be taken away.

Well I know that now, because I was.

So now, I don't know what to do.

I'm sitting in a large, bolted up room, so I can't escape.

If I'd just said no to Jack....

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