Niall’s POV

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity for the toilet I finished and started to make my way to the living room to find Harry.  I know I haven’t come out to anyone here yet, but Harry must know that I am gay or at least be thinking I am bi. I did ask the question how people here accept being gay or bi. I thought that might have been obvious that I was gay, but maybe not.  I have been flirting with him or at least have been trying to flirt with him since the first week of school.  I really like him.  He is such a beautiful person.  And he is extremely sexy with that hair and those gorgeous green eyes.  And his lips! Oh my God his lips!  I have been wanting to kiss those lips from day one.  Maybe I’ll try tonight when I drop him off at his house.  He drives me insane.  I want him around me always.  I do feel a distance from him, however.  Like he wants to reciprocate my flirting and my touches, but he isn’t allowing himself to.  He did mention a recent breakup.  Maybe that has something to do with it.  I hope that I’m the one he will let his walls down for, if he does in fact have walls up.

Just as I am about to walk into the living room I get pulled in another direction by this girl who is making googley eyes at me.  Batting her eyelashes, talking seductively.  Little does she know she is wasting her flirt on someone who will not be returning the sentiment.  I politely remove myself from her grasp and say goodbye.  I am then pulled into another room by a few guys in some of my classes.  They are all talking about random things.  I want to be polite but I also want to firmly tell them that I have a handsome guy waiting on me in the other room that I would love to get back to.

“So how are you liking it here so far?” one of them asks.  I feel bad, but I can’t remember his name.

“It’s really good!” I reply  “everyone has seemed to welcome me.  It’s nice.”

“Um..Niall.” say one of the guys.  I think his name is Chris.

“Yea, man…what’s up?” I reply

“That kid over at the door has been staring at you…kinda creepy if you ask me.” He shrugs.

I turn to look and I see those green eyes and curly hair.  I immediately smile, excuse myself from the conversation and am by Harry’s side instantly.

“Thank you” I whisper to him.

“For what?”

“You saved me from a somewhat dull conversation.” I smirked and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.  He smiled at me and we continued on into another part of the house.

Harry’s POV

We made our way back into the living room.  I saw Liam and Zayn dancing, both obviously tipsy.  Louis was chatting up some random people, also from what I could see he was almost to drunk as well.  I giggled and all three and turned my attention back to Niall.

“Do you want to dance?” he asked.

“Oh, no thank you.  I’m a terrible dancer.” I replied.

“Come on, Harry.  Let lose.  Have a little fun!! Please.  For me?” he said while making a puppy dog face and looking up at me with those eyes. Who could say no to those eyes?

“Fine” I huffed and we made our way into the middle of the crowd.

I have now had a few beers and am feeling quite outgoing.  My hands have made their way around Niall’s neck while dancing.  He smiles.  I hold him closer when I am talking to him.  He shivers at the feel of my breath on his neck.  I am forgetting about my hang ups and really enjoying this night with him.  I know its all on the alcohol, but I’ll take this new found freedom.  Freedom from my thoughts about Josh.  All my attention can now be focused on Niall.

I notice him look at his watch.  “It’s time I get you back home now.” He says to me.

“OK.” I say without a fight.  Truth be told, I am getting slightly dizzy and am ready for sleep.

I see the boys on the way out and say goodbye.

When we arrive in front of my house, I can barely open my eyes I am so tired.  Niall helps me out of the car and walks me up the driveway.  We stand in front of my house, awkwardly I might add, for a few minutes just looking at each other.  I  look down at my feet and scuff the ground with my shoe.

“I had a great time tonight Niall.  Thanks for bringing me.”

I then feel his hand touch under my chin and bring my face back up so I am looking into those blue eyes.

“I had a great time to, Harry.” He smiled.  His thumb traced my jaw line.

I wanted to kiss him so badly.  Why wasn’t I moving towards his lips. ‘come on, Harry.  You can do this! Just move into it!” I telling myself

Just as I build up the courage to move in I feel his hand on my hip, gradually pulling me closer until our chests are together.  His other hand cups my face and he tilts his head, leans in and gently places his lips on mine.

I am still for a few seconds because I am shocked at how amazing his lips feel on mine.  My lips then begin to move with his.  I wrap my arm around his neck and the kiss deepens.  We step back and now I am up against the front door.  The kiss, once sweet and gentle, is now growing feverish and lust filled.  I moan and with that his arm around my waist pulls me in tighter than I thought possible and his tongue finds it’s way into my mouth.  I run my hand through the back of his hair and tug on it gently.  I want him so badly right now.  I am thinking of nothing else but me and him.  This moment. And then without warning he pulls away and I am left wanting more.

He smiles at me.  I half return the smile, still feeling a bit frustrated that the kiss was over.

“That got a bit heated” he said.  I smirked and nodded.

“I really like you Harry.”

I felt the blush coming into my cheeks.

“I like you too, Ni.” I smiled

“I’ll see you Monday morning” he smiled and lightly kissed my lips, and turned to walk back to his car.

“Goodnight.”I say as he turns and we wave goodbye.

I enter my bedroom lay on my bed and relive that kiss.  By far the best kiss I have ever had.  I continue thinking about Niall and that kiss until I soon drift off to sleep.

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