4: Lack of Burrtios Makes Clint Sad

Start from the beginning

"Laura?" Steve questioned.

"My sister. You met her, remember?"

Steve nodded as he remembered. "Oh right. Farm house. Children."

"Yep. That's my little sister. She wants me to go down to watch the kiddos for her while she visits a friend. I'm taking the fast one and Nat with me."

"Why me?" Pietro asked, setting the rest of his burrito on his plate and couching slightly as he struggled to swallow the food. Clint shrugged.

"You're helpful and the nuggets wanted to meet you."

"The nuggets?"

"My niece and nephews, Lila, Cooper, and Nate. They wanted to meet you, so I'm dragging you along with me." He grabbed his phone again and dialed a number, holding the device up to his ear. "Tash, we're visiting the nuggets later. Laura wants me to watch them while she visits someone. We're bringing the speedster," he said into the phone.

"I'm the 'speedster' now?" Pietro questioned, elbowing Clint just below the ribs.

"It makes sense," the American replied with a shrug, ending the call and tucking the phone in his pocket. "So, go get packing. We're leaving at five." Pietro nodded and ran off. He returned a few minutes later with a suitcase. "Put it by my jet." Pietro ran off again.

"It's not your jet, Clint," Steve reminded him.

"Barely anyone else uses it, so it's mine," Clint reasoned.

"That's not how property works," Steve retorted, finishing off his second burrito.

"I'm bringing three of those burritos when I leave, by the way."

"Alright." Clint hobbled out of his chair and into the wheelchair.

"Save three for me."

"Alright." Clint nodded and rolled out of the room. Steve turned to look at Sam and chuckled at the look on his face. "You know he's not actually mad, right?"

"He seemed pretty mad," Sam mumbled. Steve laughed.

"That's just Clint, man. He never gets really mad, especially about food. That'd be sad. We'd have t kick him off the team," Steve joked.

"What? I can't be the only bird," Sam exclaimed jokingly. They both laughed for a while, eventually settling down. "Hey, you heard from Stark since he left?" Steve shook his head.

"Nope. I think he took Pepper on vacation somewhere. Why?"

"I don't know. I figured you two would have talked since," replied Sam with a shrug.

"Why do you think that?"

"Dude, are you serious?" Steve looked at him with a questioning gaze. "You're his favorite. Yeah, Bruce is his best friend, but we all know Tony likes you best." Steve shook his head.

"Impossible. Stark hates me." Sam gave him a look. "Well, maybe he doesn't hate me, necessarily, but he sure as hell acts like it."

"Stark's that kind of guy. You've heard about his family. He had trouble for like, ever, and he only acts like that because he doesn't want to be walked over. A lot of people do that, actually."

"Do what?"

"Act like dicks so they can protect themselves." Steve nodded, finally understanding.

"And then there's guys like you, who act like teddy bears 24/7."


"Hay is for horses, Sam," reminded Steve. Sam huffed.

"You're a dick, Steven. An absolute dick." Steve shrugged.

"What can I say? I'm only trying to protect myself," he joked, grinning. Sam shook his head, but chuckled lightly anyways.


Hello! It's me once again. I'm alive! How crazy is that? Are you enjoying the story? I hope so.

I'm sorry that it's been a while, but I'm kinda busy with school and friends and family and my other fic. I'll try to update sooner, but I don't know.

If you don't follow and/or stalk me, then you should go check out my other fanfic(s). I have one in progress still, but it's superfamily and spideypool and hawksilver and it's quite good.

I also have this other (completed) kind of joke fanfic about Poot (if you don't know her, Google is a great tool). Please read both and laugh.


Have a nice day!

Peace out, my nuggets


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