The Report

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We got home with my legs okay and my arms. While driving in the car I once again hugged Sam for what he did. We got home from the hospital I went in my room looking for the script for our report. Someone knocked in my door, I opened it it was Joey, Vanessa and Nicole. "Hi guys!" I said excitedly "come in." They sat down in the coach "ready for tomorrow!" I said "yup!" Nicole said. The next morning Joey, Vanessa and, Nicole went in my house in the morning we put the table that we built for Sam. We put the table cloth over it, "We are ready!" Said Joey. I said goodbye to my mom and she said "good luck!" So we went to school with the table Sam under it. We got inside the school and, no one has any idea that Sam was under it. We went in our classroom and start the report."hi everyone I present you Sam my dog!" I said
Vanessa took the table cloth off. Everyone gasp! "Ha!!" Mrs. Joseph said "you can't take dogs to school!" "But him yes because he saved Kayleigh's life!" Said Nicole "well then." We started the report "everyone this is Sam Kayleigh's dog, Sam saved Kayleigh's life Saturday, he saved him from a man driving really fast and didn't care" reported by Vanessa. "So everyone let's thank him for a great save to Kayleigh" said Joey. The bell rang everyone left the class, our group went in my house and said thank you to everyone. I thank my mom, Joey, Vanessa and Nicole for helping me, especially Sam "I love you Sam" said myself.

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