chapter thirty one

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She truly was stunning. Her beautiful light brown hair was down to her waist, almost like a brunet Rapunzel. We slowly inched near each other, almost like new cats meeting each other; carefully looking at each others physical appearance. She was about the same height, she was about an inch or so shorter than me. She then broke the silence.

"Hey, I'm Millie." Her voice was quiet, and gentle. Soothing almost. She was perfect. I remembered all of my flaws when I compared myself to her. I ran my hand through my bangs before I talked.

"Hey. I'm Meredith Pa-" My focus then was turned towards the new engagement ring on her finger.

"PERCY HOLY SHIT YOU'RE ENGAGED?!" I yelled out loud. Millie giggled along with Robert. Robert pulled her close to his chest.  "Gonna be a father too." My eyes grew, and Robert chuckled at me. I laughed and punched him in the arm before going over to sit on the couch. I watched Jimmy and Robert talk, then eventually they walked towards the front of the plane. My eyes closed for what seemed seconds, when I reopened them, Millie was standing right in front of me. I jumped. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you..may I sit down next to you?" She said while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Of course!" I patted the cushion next to me, and turned towards her. "So, you're Jimmy's girl huh?" I nodded my head. "Lily's Mum too." She smiled widely. "You have a daughter! Oh my god I love kids!" She almost screamed. We both laughed. "So, you're gonna be a Mum too correct?" She nodded her head. "Was a little of a surprise to me, but me and Robert both were ecstatic. " We both smiled. "Well, I'm happy for you Millie. Robert's a great guy, a bit of a goof sometimes"

"Trust me, I know. We've been best friends since we were kids! So, how did you and Jimmy meet?" 

I let my head fall back over the arm of the couch, and chuckled before I faced her again. "Well, you see Millie. I'm not actually from this time. Technically, I'm from the 2000's. I swear to god I'm not high." I grabbed my guitar pick necklace, and told her the whole story. From Jimmy bringing me from my time to his hotel room in a flash, to the supernatural things with the horse Lily. To how I died, and how Lily then saved me. Her eyes were as big as the sun. Shimmering with astonishment.

"Really? You're not kidding about any of that?!"

"She would never kid about anything that extrodinary as that Millie." Jimmy said while putting his hand on my shoulder. He smiled down at me, making me smile back at him.

"So, you can go back to your time whenever you want? You just had to wish you were home?" Millie asked out of curiosity. I felt my heart knot up, and tears filled my eyes, causing me to look down from Jimmy. I heard him let out a sympathetic exhale. "Millie, Meredith had to make a horrible decision one day. She couldn't keep on time skipping. I hated to do this to her. I love her with all my heart, honestly. But the one day, I remember the nervousness I had when I told her she either had to stay with me, or go home and never come back. I felt like a monster." Jimmy looked down at me, and over at Millie, who had her hands over her mouth, and stray tears gently rolling down her cheeks.

"She stayed with me."

There was silence in the plane, for seconds. A sprinting Jonesy came sprinting down the plane screaming. Behind him stormed a wild and drunken Bonzo. as he ran by, I caught a glimpse of what was in his hands. Me and Millie both saw it.

" Crayons?!" We both said at the same time.

"YOU SHITBISCUIT DON'T YOU EVER BREAK MY CRAYONS!" We heard Bonzo yell. Jimmy facepalmed himself. "Long story girls."

The plane didn't even take off, and we already knew it was going to be a crazy tour.

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