Chapter 19

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"Did anyone call for the Doctor?" Someone asks coming out of my office. "Doctor?" I ask confused as to why he was here. "Got your little distress call on your sonic. Would have come sooner but I was battling some very angry and arrogant Zygons. They are worse than the Sontarans...they make great kissers though!" The Doctor rambles on. "Doctor, I didn't send out a distress signal on my sonic...." I say. "Oh. Well your sonic must have sensed danger and called me. They do that..." The Doctor says walking around. "Anyways. I'm going to try and bypass the main systems by heading to the core room." I say opening a hatch and crawling in. "Oh don't worry. I got this." The Doctor says. All of a sudden the self destruct stops and the main power comes back on. The Doctor takes off his sunglasses. "No way." I mutter. "Sonic sunglasses." He says smiling.'"I already tried it with mine and it didn't work..." I say. "Latest tech." He states.

Weeks go by and the days wind down to Christmas time. "Morning." Julian says smiling and kissing me as we lay in bed. "Morning." I say laying there. "You alright?" He asks. "Yeah I just keep thinking about the nightmare I had last night." I say sighing. "Do you want to talk about it?" Julian asks. "Nah, it's alright. I should get going. I have a meeting with Nog and Harry this morning." I say yawning. "No breakfast in Ten forward then?" Julian asks sadly. "Maybe afterwards. I gotta get ready." I mutter getting up. Julian sighs and gets ready as well. We take our separate ways and I head to the meeting room. "Nog. X." I say nodding at them both. We have our meeting and I check the time, it was 0900. Plenty of time to have breakfast. Hopefully Julian wouldn't be busy in the infirmary. "Ready for breakfast?" I ask walking in. "Oh. Chief. Good morning." I say to him. "Morning Captain." He says. He was holding Kiroshi. "So what your saying is he's just sad?" The chief says sighing to Julian. "From a medical stand point there's nothing wrong with him! Maybe he is becoming prematurely aware of life's troubles I don't know Miles. I'm a doctor not a psychologist." Julian mutters. The chief nods, "Thanks Julian." He says getting up. "How about dinner tonight in Keiko and I's quarters?" He asks Julian and I. "Maybe. Depends how much work I have." Julian says sighing. "Alright. That's fine." He says leaving and smiling. "Breakfast?" I ask Julian again. "Yeah. Sorry. Let's go." He says putting his arm around me as we walked out of the infirmary. "So I was thinking you needed a vacation." Julian says as we walked. "Me? Oh really I'm fine." I say. "I could make it a medical order." Julian says looking at me. "You wouldn't." I state to him. "Max....Tay. It's been-" Julian starts to say. I cut him off saying, "1 year, 3 months, 2 weeks, 2 days."

"See. My point exactly." Julian says. "But really Julian I'm fine!" I whine. "Tay. Your birthday is in a week. Your going to be 23 don't you want to I don't know....celebrate it a bit?" Julian asks. "Alright. What are you thinking?" I ask sighing and pinching my nose. "How about two weeks in England? We could stay with my parents!" Julian says excitedly. After a moment of silence I speak up, "Okay. Okay. I'll go. But I have a ship to run Julian. I can't go on vacation like we used to." I say. "I know. But you won't regret this." Julian says happily. We sit down for breakfast and make plans as we eat. I could tell that Julian hasn't slept as much as I thought he had. He was slowly starting to show bags under his eyes and his hair was messy and not brushed. He must be sneaking out to do work while I sleep. I promised myself I wouldn't prod into Julian's mind again but I was curious if my suspicions were right. I sigh and then say, "Why don't you take the day off to get the plans ready and rest a bit?" He looks up from his food. "Why? I'm fine." Julian states. "Jules. It's an order. Get some rest. I can tell you've been working over time." I state. He frowns and sighs. "Alright. You're right..." He mutters. I smirk. "I know I am." I say jokingly. "But before you get to work, come with me to the infirmary, I know you have a headache. Don't know why this time, but trust me. I just know." Julian says. I curse in my head. I thought he hadn't noticed. I should know he always does. We head off to the infirmary after eating and Julian checks me over. "Stress." He states still looking at his tricorder and grabbing a hypospray. "What?" I ask confused. "Your stressed Max. I mean, first off. It basically says it right on my tricorder and second. You lied to me to. You've been getting up and working late as well." He says giving me the tricederon for my headache. I frown. "The fact that we haven't ran into each other or noticed is odd." I mutter. "Ha I was right!" Julian says. "Yes. Yes you were alright! I've been busy working at night. With the Doric tension and the Romulans being on our butts more times than I can count this week. I've been trying to be ready in case of something." I say sighing. "You can go to work but take it easy. And if the headache persists, you know the drill. Oh and no telepathy Max!" He says as I get up off the medical bed and walk towards the door. "Yes doctor." I say shaking my head chuckling. "I love you." He says smirking and putting away his stuff. "I love you to." I state just as the door to the infirmary closes. I then head off to the bridge to work.

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