“But it will be done so what’s the difference?” He asked still unable to understand where I was coming from.

“This difference is that I you’re not the person I thought you were. I barely knew anything about you at all. I was so blinded my your many charms that I couldn’t see anything else. This is my fault. We’re nothing alike.”

It was a shame and it was sadly true. I didn’t know who this man was.

“The teach me.” He argued. “Teach me to see the world like you do.”

“I can’t.” I stated regretfully. “It’s not something you can learn, it’s something that you just do.”

There was a short pause on the other end on the line for a moment and if he hadn’t of spoken when he did then I would thought he hung up. “So, what are you saying? Are you breaking off our engagement?”

I could hear the disappointment in his voice, but it wasn’t a great sadness. I loved Mason…or thought I did anyway. But I’m not blinded anymore. I can finally see all the things people tired to warn me about; even my best friend Allison. She had been skeptical of him since the very beginning, but I brushed it off seeing as Amanda felt the exact opposite of her. She was just being a good friend by looking out for me and now I see why.

“I think I am.” I muttered.

It’s not that I wanted to, because it hurt like hell. It’s because I needed to. I couldn’t marry a stranger. Besides I was technically married to another man. A man that I promised I would work on my marriage with. 

It had to be done.

“Don’t.” He begged. “Not yet. Just think on it a while. We have been together for almost two years. Do you really want to throw it all away?”

Why did he need to make this harder than it already was? Why couldn’t he just accept things didn’t work out and move of from this? It would better all around if he would just forget about us.

“Mason.” I sighed.

“No.” He shot out quickly to prevent my response. “Don’t answer, just think about it, okay?”

I shook my head seeing no point in arguing with him about it anymore. He didn’t want to hear my answer and he wasn’t going to change my mind. It is what it is.

“My answer will still be the same.” I stated hoping he would just give up.

“Just give it the rest of the week and if you still feel the same as you say you will then I’ll accept you decision, but only then.”

I was already growing tired of this conversation and decided to do whatever means necessary to end it. So did what I should have done when he asked me to marry him. I told him the truth.

“Mason it’s not going to happen because….I’m married.”

And just like that it felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I was finally able to be honest with him. It’s sad that it took this for me to be able to do it but I did it nonetheless. The truth was out now.

“Married?” His surprise tone echoed through the phone.

“Yes.” I confirmed.

“But how? We were engaged just a few days ago.” He stated. “Did you do this to get back at me or something?”

I was taken aback by his harsh accusation and slowly felt my temper start to rise.

“It was before I met you. Do you really think I would do something like that-”  

“And you let me purpose to you?” He interrupted in a rage. “What was our relationship some kind of game to you?”

“No!” I shouted. “That’s the reason I came here in the-”

“I don’t care why you went. You lied to me and that’s all I can think about right now.” He said a little calmer.

“No. I didn’t tell you. There is a difference. I was going to end things and come back home.”

“Well.” He chuckled in a non humorous way. “I guess you were right. We are done here….goodbye Peyton.  “

The beep that came from my phone was confirmation that he had indeed ended the call. He meant it; very word of it. We were over. And it hurt more than I thought it would.



I know it’s another short and delayed chapter but I didn’t get my other book finished in May like I wanted to and am currently still working on it. However, my statement in the last chapter still stands. Once it’s finished I promise to update much more on this story. Just give me more time. Sorry to disappoint anyone.



Always and ForeverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora