After my hair was completely dried from my rather lengthy shower I began applying my make-up in the large mirror that currently hung above the sink in the bathroom. I wouldn’t lie, it was very convenient having a bathroom in my room, but Nathan didn’t need to go to such great lengths to keep me comfortable. I was a rather simple girl. I room next to a large bathroom would have sufficed.

Once my make up was finished I traveled back into the room and went through my things finding something to wear. It wasn’t hard with all the things that Nathan had provided me.

I picked very conservative charcoal colored dress with a wide black waist belt that was far too expensive looking for something I would wear, but decided on it anyway to save time from looking a bit longer. It was definitely one of the simpler things in my closet.

My overall look today was a bit more natural than most. I kept my make up neutral and my hair quite simple. After drying it I simply ran my hands through it and left it at that. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone today. I had nothing to do or nowhere to go. Nathan would be pleased.

This was what he had wanted me to do since I arrived; nothing. Well unless it involved the finer things in life and a job was apparently not one of them.

While slipping on a pair of matching shoes to my outfit my phone buzzed in one of the side pockets of the dress alerting me of a call. It I had to guess I’d say it was Nathan checking up on me or letting me know he’d be coming home late again. At this point it was all I expected from him. He was positively a workaholic. Just like his dad.

“Hello?” I said bring the phone up to my ear with even checking to the caller I.D. It was a bad habit of mine.

“Babe, you answered.”A familiar surprised voice said on the other end of the line. “I’ve been calling you for three days now.”

“What do you want Mason?” I replied in an annoyed tone.

“What do I want? Are you serious?” He flabbergasted.

“Yes, I am.” I stated emotionlessly.

I really did get why he was still calling. I thought after our last conversation he would have gotten that I it was over, but apparently I wasn’t clear enough.

“Is something wrong? I don’t get why you’re so mad.” He replied.

“Really, you turn innocent people out of their homes and you don’t think that’s a bit cruel? Why wouldn’t I be mad?” I said in a bit of a huff.

“Okay relax.” He said giving a light chuckle. “First, you never showed much interest in my work before so how was I to know you would care? And second it was my company that bought the land not me directly.”

I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Is that suppose to make it okay? And I thought that all purchases had to go through you first? Are you really telling me you knew nothing about it?”

The idea that he would do that was completely preposterous. I knew better than that.

“Look,” He started. “If I’d known it was such a big deal to you I wouldn’t have done it, but it already happened so what can I do? Do you want me to donate it to some worthy cause or something? I could use it as a tax write off if that’s the case.”

I let out a breath of air in disbelief. He really didn’t get it, did he? I can’t believe he really thinks that will fix everything. It fixes nothing.  It’s the principle of the matter.

“If you don’t know what you should do then I’m not going to tell you. You’re only willing to do what you’re offering because I want you to, not because you think it’s the right thing to do. That is where we are different.”

Always and ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang