Chapter 5

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                          This Chapter is dedicated to Love_Life2000 she's only followed me for maybe a day? but shes one of my favorite writers out of all my followers so go follow her. 

       Chapter 5

“You girls will be staying here until further notice.” Lord Cunningham said interrupting my thoughts yet again. “Meanwhile you will be taught on how to be a princess.” “In that case I’ll turn you over to Tutor Lawrence.” And with that Lord Cunningham left. We all let out a sigh of relief.

“Good evening girls.” Said the small, short, woman, which had just walked through the beautiful French doors. ”I am you tutor. You may call me Tutor Lawrence or just Tutor.” Rambling on she said “Every morning you will rise with the sun. You will learn to read, write, and do sums. Among many other things, but I won’t get into anything else right this moment.”  “I’ll send the maids in with your night gowns.” Tutor Lawrence said all this in what seemed to be one single breath. “Good night see you all bright and early.” Just as she was walking out I remembered something. I whispered “curtsy” to the other girls. We curtsy just before she leaves. I heard her mumble “Took them long enough” under her breath when she turned away.

            “Haley are we really as ignorant as they say?” My 14 year old sister asked me this before we fell asleep. I took a while before I answered. “To them we are, but it’s only because we don’t understand their customs. Don’t worry we’ll get the hang of it.” I say. “Will they really let one of us be a princess?” “I think so I mean don’t they have to?" I say. “I guess….. Well night.” Shortly after Elizabeth said night I could hear her snoring, very loudly I might add. All I can think about was our conversation. Her question rang in and out of my ears all night long. “Will they really let one of us be a princess?” Will they I hope so. Then I drift into a dream.

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