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"Autumn get up were gonna be landing in 10mins" Sanah yells at me while shaking me awake. "Wake me up in five minutes then" "No we have to have a group talk first" I walk towards the front of the plan where our stylist managers and other important people that helps us. We finish our game plan with what's going on in NYC. As we get off the plane tons of fans are waiting for us we stop and take pictures and sign stuff. The support we get is so amazing so we do everything we can to make our fans happy. "Hey let's go to the pool" I say jumping on Lexi. "No I'm too tired" she said pulling up the covers. "Whatever Sanah wanna go then?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "I'm hungry I'll go next time!" "Fine I'll just call Madison she'll go with me!" I threatened knowing they'll crack. *GASP* "YOU WOULDNT" Lexi and sanah said shocked as hell I just pretty much cursed in misfit language. They wouldn't budged so I sure enough called up Madison yes Madison beer why I have no ducking clue.

*Down in the lobby*
As I wait for Madison to show up I'm in pool wear with sunglasses on hoping I don't draw attention even though I look like a douche who the fuck wears sunglasses inside. THIS GAL. I hear a Irish voice thunder from behind me saying my name with question not knowing if it was me they were calling.

I turn around and it's Niall and Harry waving at me. As I walk over I hear Madison calling me I motion ger over towards me and the boys. After introducing who we are we all go up to the roof where the pool is. I know this hotel is suppose to be fancy and all but I'm scared of heights why would that put the pool on top like what the hell man.

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