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*Flashback 1983 - Seattle*

My name is Megan Garner. I am currently walking to my best mates house who happens to live right next door to me.

I moved here to Seattle in 1978 all the way from the countryside in Australia when i was twelve years old. I was sent off to live with my grandmother who lives here.

My best mate Michael or Duff as everyone calls him, has been acting really strange towards me for the last couple of weeks.

I can't take it anymore & decided to go have a talk with him to find out what's going on.

I feel like i have done something wrong by him.

So I walk over and knock on the front door of his mothers home. Her name is Alice McKagan she is such a loving, caring soul. She has always worked very hard to provide for her eight children all on her own since she and Duff's father Mac had gotten divorced.

Along with the whole five, nearly six years I have known her, she has always treated me like as if i were her own daughter since the day I met her.

"Hey honey!, how have you been?". Alice asks whilst answering and opening the door. But I notice she isn't as happy as her usual self. Her smile seems forced.

"Hi Ma" ,i always call Alice Ma because she has been way more of a mother to me than my biological mother back home in Australia, who was and probably still is a severe alcoholic.

I wouldn't even know anymore. The childhood I had back home was not exactly a childhood any child should have to grow up in. It didnt help that my parents were young when they had me.

My parents always had a very tumultuous relationship since I was old enough to remember.

I was a so called "mistake child" who was the result from a drunken night of kids being kids, I was told numerous times.

My father did stick around for a year or so, although I know he cheated on my mother with numerous women.

When he left, my mothers bad habits seemed to spiral even more out of control. To such an uncontrollable state that my grandmother Doris who had been living in Seattle all my life, ended up going to court against her for custody.

Sick of hearing how bad it was for me there, when she would regularly talk to me as a kid over the phone.

With that, my mother seemed happy to be rid of me. As if i were a burden to her since the day i was born.

Even though I basically looked after myself since I could walk.

So.. that is how i have been living here happily in Seattle for nearly 6 years.

"Yeah I'm not bad, i just thought I'd pop over to see Michael"

"I haven't seen him around much lately?" I question.

"How are you?, is everything ok, you seem a bit unhappy?. I add giving her a hug.

" Oh um.. I'm guessing Michael hasn't told you?" Alice replies in a sad tone. Looking down at her hands.

"Told me what?!", i reply now really curious about whats going on.

"That..umm", Alice looks like she wants to tell me but is not sure if she should.

"Tha..That he's finally decided to move to L.A dear, with his brother Bruce to go further with his music".

"No , He hasn't told me anything!", "I've barely seen him the last couple of weeks". I reply feeling like my heart had just shattered into a million pieces.

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