Chapter 2; Meetng The Family

Start from the beginning

"Woah, she was amazing."
I roll my eyes,
"Yeah she's really pretty,"

Bella's POV
I just got done talking to Edward about all the sneaking around the Cullen's had been doing lately.
He finally told me the truth, and I couldn't believe they would keep something like this from me!
Selena and Pablo were my older brother and sister!
I'm happy for them, but I still think it's gonna be really weird when Selena and Pablo find out.
I walk to the kitchen to go talk to Alice.
The aroma of Mexican food hits me right when I walk through the doorway.
"Hello Bella," I look to see Carlisle smiling and cutting up some vegetables.
"Carlisle, how was work?"
I ask, he smiles,
"It was good, boring today,"
He answers.
I nod and look to see Esme standing next to him, frying something,
"Hello dearie," she smiles, I smile too, I'll always love Esme and Carlisle.
"How are you guys doing?"
I ask, they look at me confused for a second, then they smile, realizing that Edward must have told me about everything.
"Good, they sure are beautiful,"
Esme whispers, and Carlisle nods,
"Yeah, they are, I know that they will love you,"
I give them a reassuring smile and they smile back.
"I do hope Pablo likes Mexican food,"
Esme says unsure.
I laugh,
"They both grew up there until they were five, they love Mexican food."

Carlisle's POV
Bella sits at a stool by the counter. Now that she knows we can ask her questions about what we should do.
"So what do you want to know?"
Bella asks,
"How old are they both?"
Esme asks,
Bella sits there thinking for a second,
"Their going to be twenty four in about three weeks."
She answers.
I have to note that Selena's birthday is in three weeks.
"So what do they like to get for their birthdays?"
I was the one who asked this,
"Um, Pablo gets new soccer cleats every year,"
Esme smiles, and nods,
"And Selena?"
I ask.
"Last year mom and dad got her a new soccer ball, and cleats,same as Pablo, their a lot alike."
She answers.
"So what's the whole soccer deal?" We all heard.
We all look to see Emmett walking in.
Bella smiles,
"They both play for the men and woman team for the University of Santa Fe."
Emmett smiles,
"Are they any good?"
He asks, Bella nods,
"Their some of the best I've ever seen, even on tv. They went there on scholarships,"
I was impressed.
"Nice, how did they do last season?"
"Pablo did good,"
Esme smiles,
"And Selena?"
I ask,
"She would have done good, she started off good but a girl on an opposing team tripped her at the beginning of the season, and she pulled her knee. She was out for a good chunk, but she finished the season good."
I nod, but part of me feels guilty that I wasn't there to help her through that tough time.
We finish making the food and everyone walks into the dinning room.
Pablo and Selena take seats next to Bella, and Edward, Alice and Jasper sit by Rose and Emmett and Esme and I sit at the ends. I'm currently sitting right next to Selena, and I can smell her amazingly sweet smell.
"How do you guys like the food?"
I heard Esme ask,
Bella smiles and answers shyly,
"It's really good Esme,"
She has always been a shy girl.
Selena smiles at Bella's remark then adds with,
"Take it from a real life Mexican, the food is amazing,"
Alice starts laughing and so does Pablo,
"The food tastes like home Esme, thank you," Pablo adds.
Esme smiles at his approval.

Esme's POV
So what I've learned about my mate and his twin sister so far,
1) they love each other very much,
2)soccer is their life,
3) they love Mexican food.
I'll have to remember that last one.
"So Bella mentioned that you two play soccer,"
I could see Selena blush,
"Yeah, we dabble in it,"
I saw Pablo roll his eyes,
"We do a little more than dabble in it Lena,"
Selena glares at him when he calls her that.
Must not like that nickname, I chuckle lightly.
"Bella says your quiet good,"
Carlisle adds.
Selena shrugs,
"Pablo's better than me,"
Pablo shakes his head,
"No way, she's was better than me,"
We all laughed at their fighting, even Rose,
After we were all done eating, Selena offered to help me with the dishes, but Carlisle offered to do them with her instead.
I sat down on the couch, and Pablo sat down on the chair next to it.
All of the others were doing their own things, so it was just us.
"So what did you go to school for?" I ask him.
He smiles,
"I'm want to be a teacher, well a professor more specifically,"
I smile at that and nod,
"That's amazing,"
He smiles,
"Thank you."

Carlisle's POV
I start washing the dishes and Selena drys them.
Sometimes our hands touch and I know she's wondering why my hands are so cold.
I want to be honest with her but I can't yet.
"So Selena, can I ask you a question?"
She looks up from the plate she was drying,
"Asking me if you could ask me a question is asking me a question."
I laugh, she was always so sarcastic and funny.
"Well can I ask you two other questions then?"
She smiles and nods setting the plate down and taking another one from my hand.
"Can you tell me about your childhood?"
She frowns a little,
"I don't really talk about that, that much,"
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me,"
I say, she shakes her head,
"No it's okay, it's just a little painful to remember."
I nod,
"We're your really born in Mexico?"
She nods and smiles,
"It's beautiful there, you ever been?"
I shake my head,
Out of all the places I've been I never got to go to Mexico.
"The waters really pretty, and the food is to die for!"
She says dramatically.
I laugh,
She smiles,
"And your family? I mean the one before the Swans?"
Her face darkens,
"Um, my mom left us when we were three, not sure where she went. My dad turned to the drink, and became violent,"
She whispered that part,
I'm almost shaking in anger when I hear this.
She continues,
"I was glad when he left, he tried entering America illegally. He didn't have any money to bail himself out, so he went to federal prison. I guess he's still there now cause Pablo and I haven't heard from him since,"
I frown and take her hand.
"I'm sorry that you had to go through all that,"
I whisper, she shrugs.
"It made me part of who I am, for that I am grateful."
Before I know what I'm doing I am standing in front of her.
She looks up at me, and I kiss her, she kisses back. I lift her up and set her down on the counter, then I break away. She smiles and bites her lip.
"Wow, Dr. Cullen, you really get right down to business,"
She whispers. I laugh.
"Well I don't like to waste time,"
She chuckles, then I kiss her again.
"Selena, will you do me the honor, of accompanying me to dinner, tomorrow night?"
I ask, she smiles wider and nods,
"I would love to Carlisle,"

Pablo's POV
Esme and I have been talking a lot about what I want to do with my life, and what she want to do. She is a remarkable woman.
Time flys by and all of a sudden it's time to leave.
Esme and I exchange numbers and I see that Selena had gotten a little more than comfortable with that Carlisle guy.
He kisses her on the cheek before we walk out the door.
It's freezing outside, so cold out you can see our breath.
The Cullen's walk out and follow us to the porch. We say our goodbyes and than we walk down the steps, and Selena runs to the truck.
We all jump in and Bella starts blasting the heat.
"Gracious Bells,"
Selena smiles as she feels the warm air,
"So Selena I see you and Carlisle really hit it off,"
Selena smirks and looks out the window.
"So did you like Esme?"
Bella asks me, I nod,
"She was amazing,"
Bella smiles at this,
"You two are a lot alike,"
We pulled up into Charlie's driveway,
This is going to be so weird.

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