(33) "You and Me"

Start from the beginning

 "What do you think happened to me?" Brad asked Tris and saw him grin.

 "Last night was amazing" the blonde haired lad uttered.

 "It was, but now I'm walking funny and I have to wear a scarf"

 "Speaking of that scarf, just remove it. You look stupid" Tris replied and then pulled his scarf away from his neck. As soon as Tristan did, he saw the circular dark violet spot on Brad's neck.

 "It looks fine" he uttered, much to the dismay of the curly haired lad.

  "I hate you Tristan" Brad uttered as he took out some books form his locker.

 "But you do know I love you right" Tris whispered and then looked around to see if anyone heard them.

 "I do" Brad replied and then let out a sigh of relief.

 "I would leave at around 12:00 pm" Tris then uttered as they started making their way to their classroom. 

 "Why?" Brad then asked him.


 "I wanna go with you"

 "Love I do know you need therapy ... but the one you need is a different kind" Tris answered and then winked at him.

 "Fine" that's all Brad replied. A few moments after, they were able to make it class right before their teacher Mr. Irwin started.


 After the school shooting event, Tricia's parents transferred the young girl to a different school for her own sake. Tricia didn't like the move, for she lost the only possible contact she can make with Tristan.

  The young girl isn't over Tris. In fact, she's far from being over from him. Tricia loved Tris way too much than she should. And now that there seems to be another person catering to his needs, that only made her even more determined to get him back.

 Even pregnant Alexis can't help her.

 "I'm going for a check up tomorrow .... I can't go with you sorry" Alexis told her through the phone.

 "Fine, you're useless anyway" she replied and then ended the call.

 "Now what are you gonna do to find who that bitch is?" Tricia asked herself while looking at a picture of Tristan. She needs him back, she will do just about everything to get him back.


 It's past 1:00 pm when Tris made it to the Blake Hospital. He'll see Luke today, just the thought of that makes him both anxious and excited. He can't wait to see what his roommate have been up to.

 "I'm just gonna call Luke" Dr. Clifford uttered and left Tristan in the entertainment room, the same room where he and Brad did a few blowjob sessions. The blonde haired lad looked around and saw that nothing much had changed, except for the fact that they've installed another security camera.

 A few minutes later, the door opened and Luke came to his view."He's still gorgeous" Tris thought to himself as he stood up and proceeded to hug his friend.

 "Oh my God Tris how are you?" Luke asked happily. The blonde haired lad looked at his eyes and noticed that they speak nothing but happiness. Luke is genuinely happy to see him.

 "I'm good what about you Luke? tell me everything that has happened to you" Tris replied before sitting back on the couch,.

 "I'm great .. all thanks to you" he replied and then smiled sweetly at Tris.

 "Me?" Tris asked.

 "Yeah. You inspired me so much to be better"

  "So .. do you have a new roommate?"

  "I do" Luke uttered before resting his head on Tristan's shoulder, he really missed him.  "Tell me about him" Tris then uttered.

 "Brooklyn is his name"


 "Yeah, It's nice right?"

  "Yes it is Luke"

 "But he's not as nice as you" the gorgeous faced blondie then whispered before burying his face on Tristan's collar area.

 "Where is he?"

 "Why?" Luke asked and then sat up straight.

 "I'm gonna talk to him"

 "No need. I can handle him" he replied and then smiled at Tris.

 "Fine, but if he's really not that nice then he's gonna hear from me, understood?"

 "Yes sir" Luke answered and then grinned at Tristan in a very sexy manner.


 Later that day, Brad decided to take a walk around town to exercise his legs. Now Brad knows what most girls feel like after having anal sex. It's painful. He's just sore, well how couldn't he be? the size of Tristan's shaft can choke any one. He wouldn't even be surprised if it reaches someone's esophagus.

 "I'm gonna top him next time and I'll make sure he won't be able to walk the next day" Brad thought to himself. Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw Danny calling him out.

 "Hey" he greeted the older lad.

 "Hey Bradley how are you?" Danny asked.

 "Good. just taking a walk at the park you know .. breathe some fresh air" Brad lied and then smiled at him. He's not alright, he's sore ... really sore.

 "Well I'm doing some jogging before I leave tomorrow"

 "Leave tomorrow? Why Danny?"

 "Breaks over and besides I'm not doing much here anyways"

 "Alright ... see you around" Brad then uttered.

 "There's a party tomorrow after your school. Our house" Danny replied and winked at him before he continued on his way.

 "Alright" Brad thought to himself, he's pretty sure he won't be going to anyone's send off party anytime soon. Who would have thought having gay sex for the first time could be this much tiring?

 "Oh Bradley one more thing!" Danny then almost yelled as he ran back towards him.

 "What?" Brad asked.

 "Try to walk a little less weird. It's very obvious that you took someone's dick up your ass"


that's it for this chapter guys ^^ what do you think? please vote and comment:D

 what do you think about the Luke-Tris reunion? Did you like it? And the main question right is HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE FOR BRAD TO STOP WALKING FUNNY?






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