Heart of Golden Ice pt 1

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Blizzard sighed, as he sat on his throne in boredom. The whole area was actually very quiet, which was pretty much the norm for him. Suddenly, the door had opened, revealing Blizzard's servant, Zelato. "Sir, do you wish to be entertained? We could have someone fight to the death if you want", Zelato said, jokingly. "Knock it off Zelato, you know that's the last thing I would want", Blizzard said back, levitating into the air, then floating back down. Zelato tilted his head in confusion, at his rulers strange recent boredom. "Forgive me sir, but what is it that you want exactly". I wish I knew, but even I don't, I'm too bored to think", Blizzard said as he walked towards the window. I don't know...maybe I'll go explore Venus again, I always loved the lovely color of the soil there", he said before flying out the window. "I'll never understand why he strayed so far from king cold's sons behavior. He never threatens anyone, he never sacrifices any of his soldiers, and he never destroys or conquers any planets...unless they start a war with us first...and even then, he still always tries to take the peaceful way out first. I guess that's why the sector loves him so much", Zelato said as he smiled and walked away.

The space was surprisingly very calming to him. Gazing at the stars themselves was enough to put his mind and soul at ease. The distance to Venus wasn't that much farther away from his home planet Pluto. Entering the atmosphere, he sensed...life. It was weird to him because last time he was there, the planet was barren. Although it has been quite some time since he had last visited. He was actually very excited to meet the possible intelligent life on the planet. As he approached the town area, he noticed many strange alien like life forms populating the city. He levitated through the city streets, and noticed an all too familiar sight. There were citizens everywhere, cowering in fear as he approached. Some of them bowed down as he went through, and others ran for their lives. Blizzard didn't like this kind of behavior. He didn't want to be feared. Respected yes, but never feared. Honestly, he kind of wanted people to see him as an equal, but no matter how hard he tried to convince people, they always thought he was testing them. He could hear someone in the distance, saying, "he looks like one of coolers, family members, and wondered if he was going to harm them or the planet. All these comments made Blizzard feel...like HE was one of the one's responsible for all the bad things that happened because of his spoiled cousins. Just then, he heard a scream come from nearby.

"Eeek, leave us alone", a child's voice cried out. Blizzard hurried over to the direction of the distress call, only to find the street littered with unconscious natives. He gazed further ahead and saw what appeared to be two children being harassed by another alien whom seemed to have a similar appearance to frieza's past underlings. Dodoria to be exact. "Get out of my way brats", he said as he held up his fist. "No, this is our dad's shop, we won't let you steal anything, now go away", the little girl yelled back in reply, but to no avail. The Alien simply brushed them both aside. They tried to get back up to fight, but were once again just brushed away, but this time, a little more violently. Blizzard approached the area to prepare to intervene. One of the children saw him approach from the corner of his eye, and instantly started to cower. His sister however, was oblivious once he alerted her to Blizzards presence. "Hey, you'd best not do that, you might end up hurting yourself", Blizzard said as he crossed his arms behind his back.

"Mind your own busi...", the crook said as he began to turn around. He stopped in mid sentence once he saw Blizzard. You...y...you must be with Lord cooler and lord frieza", he said before starting to cower too. Suddenly, an idea came to Blizzard. He could use this opportunity to his advantage. "That's right, I am lord Blizzard! What do you think you're doing to this shop", Blizzard said sounding slightly more menacing. "Lord Blizzard, I...I was just about to...". "I'll tell you what you were about to do! You were about to take what's mine. When I conquer this planet, I want everything to be right where it is. And stealing from any shop here, would be like stealing from me, and do you know what happens to people who try to steal from me", Blizzard asked as he got closer to the Alien. "No sir...I was just... please forgive me, I had no idea of your arrival my lord", the alien said, as he bowed down. "That's more like it. Seems like you understand how things work around here. I won't have to destroy you after all. Now get, and stay get, before I change my mind", Blizzard said as he motioned his head to the left. Without hesitation, the alien ran off away from the area.

Blizzard dropped the false attitude once the alien left. "Are you two alright? Any injuries", he said as he knelt down to them. "The boy was still petrified, he couldn't even respond. His sister however, was more or less in shock and awe. "Get...get away from my kids! I don't care if you are the ruler, I won't let you harm them", a voice said from afar. "Ah, hello. Your kids are just fine sir. They were attacked by...", Blizzard said before being interrupted by a punch to the face. The punch however, didn't have any effect on Blizzard whatsoever. In fact Blizzard wouldn't have even noticed if he didn't have his eyes open. "You know, if I WAS like Frieza, or any of the saiyans for that matter, I probably would have killed you for even trying to attack me...but luckily, I'm nothing like them, so please calm yourself sir", Blizzard said as he used his tail to restrain the man in midair. The man simply gulped and said "ok". "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Blizzard. Yes I am the current ruler of this sector", but I am not here to destroy your home, or your family. After everyone calmed down, Blizzard explained the situation to the concerned father. "I see. You have my sincerest thanks. I'm Scorch by the way, and these are my kids. My Son Match, and my daughter Spark", both kids waved sheepishly as their father introduced them. "Nice to meet you all. I had actually come to explore Venus, when all this commotion happened. It's been such a long time since I visited this planet. but it was barren last time I was here, so imagine my surprise when I found it to be populated", Blizzard said chuckling slightly. "We just moved here from Mercury actually...by the way, I'm sorry for attacking you earlier lord Blizzard, even if you didn't feel it", Scorch said as he bowed. "Oh, no need to be so formal, was only trying to help", Blizzard said as he created an icy like glove around his hand and put it up to his head. "Oh, are you ok, Blizzard, Match said as he and Spark got closer to him. "Yes...i'm just not quite used to this weather", he replied back assuring them he was ok. "Hey, why don't you come to our house your majesty, and have a nice meal. It's the least we could do for you. I'd also like you to meet my wife she's a lovely woman" Scorch said as he slightly motioned him towards the shop. "Oh...well, um, I,.....I guess if you don't mind", Blizzard said a little unsure if that was a good idea. He was still sure that people still feared him...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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