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"That is so different from what I'm used too"

"Well get used too it" I say.

We just walked into the ice rink with a sleepy Sonny in Odell's arms. He slept the whole ride here.

Odell sits down with Sonny while I go grab the skates.

"Odell what   size you where in skates?" I question.

"11 1/2"

He got big feet and big hands so I know he packing in them jeans.

I grab Sonny's skates and I walk back over there and hand Odell the skates.

"How much this cost" he asks me.

"Not much" I say putting Sonny's  skates on.

"How much Zaria"


"Alright here you go" he says reaching in his wallet and getting out 5 hundred dollar bills.

"Why you giving me this" I ask.

"So you can pay for this. I don't need you too spend your money on me" he says.

I just shrug and put  my skates on while I see him struggle to put his own.

"Odell do you need some help?" I ask as I put Sonny's skates who is wide awake now.

"Nawl I got this I don't need no help" he says.

"Ok" I say leaving him alone I grab Sonny we walk toward the ice.

I get on the ice first and I place him on the ice and he starts to wobble is try to grab him but he falls to quick.

"Sonny now you can't be falling like that" I say.

He just rolls his eyes at me like he understood what I said.

I stand him back up I grab his hand as he wobble a little bit. I grab his other and I skate back over to where Odell is.

"You sure you don't need help" I say him seeing that he is struggling trying to put his foot in the skate.

"Alright I need help" he mumbles.

"Say please"

"Please" he says.

"Now was that so hard" I say as I sit Sonny in his lap while put his skates on.

"Alright they on let's go" I say standing up walking toward the ice.

Once I am on the ice Odell hands me Sonny and steps down to get on the ice only to fall.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yea that really funny" says trying to get up only too fall back down.

"Now that was funny" I say as I laugh.

"Whatever just help me get up"

I help stand up but he starts to wobble again.

"Bruh as big as you are you can't stand on these skates?" I ask Odell.

"I swear when this over I'm get yo ass" he mumbles.

"Alright hold on to my hands and just  relax and move your feet" I say.

He relaxes a little and let's his feet move on their own until he trips bringing me down with him.

"Odell" I yell "I told you to relax and let your feet do the moving"

"I lost balance" he says.

"Whatever" I mumble.

I try to get only fall back down in Odell's lap since his legs were in my way.

"Zaria unless you want me to fuck the shit out of you on this I suggest you move away from that area" he warns me.

"Who says I don't want you to fuck the shit out of me right" I mumble as I start to get up.

When all of a sudden I am slam back down into his lap and smashes his lips onto mine sticking his tongue in my mouth.

"Wait Odell" I moan as he starts kissing down my neck.

"Nawl you started this so imma finish it" he says between kisses.

"Oh shit" I moan as I he starts kissing my spot.

When all of a sudden he stoops kissing my neck and gets up.

"Since you called a minute man I showed you what minute man does" he says.

"I swear you get on my nerves" I mumble as I get.

I go grab Sonny who has been trying to eat the ice for the longest. I stand him up on the ice and I skate with him holding onto my hand.

"So you mad at me?" Odell asks.

"Yep" I say.

"Why you mad at me?" He asks again.

"You left me all hot and bothered but i gotcha you" I say.


"I thought you couldn't skate?" I ask.

" I finally did what you said and it worked" he says while grabbing Sonny's right hand making up look like a little family.

Later that night

I am currently watching tv with Sonny who has been trying to change the channel for the longest.

Well it seems rumors are true NY Giants WR Odell Beckham Jr. has tied the knot.


I hear loud footsteps then both Odell  appears.

"What is it?" He ask.

"Look" I say.

"Rumors about NY Giants WR Odell Beckham Jr getting hitched are true. Earlier today he was spotted coming out a ice skating rink with defense attorney Zaria Smith and his little brother. Earlier in the month Giants WR posted a picture on Instagram claiming her as his wife. Seen in pictures their are rings on both their fingers. Sorry ladies Odell Beckham Jr is actually off the market"

"The media was going to find out sooner or later" Odell says.

"I know I just wish it wasn't now though" I say.

"Why?" Odell asks.

"I'm working on this big case and I don't need any distractions. It's the middle of the season for you. We don't need any distractions from the media at all" I say.

"Don't even worry bout them you just worry bout winning that case and I'll worry bout football. Just forget about the media" he says.

"Alright I won't worry about then" I say.

"Gimme a kiss"

We both lean in to kiss until to hands slap our faces away from each other.

"Sonny" we both yell.

He just smiles and laughs.

Zaria took Odell ice skating

Odell left Zaria high and dry

The media found out about their marriage

Sonny still blocking

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