Chapter 3

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Brooke Kelly's POV:

           Suddenly the classroom door swung open, hitting the wall with a loud 'bang' and a huge gush of wind blew in causing paper to fly everywhere , as if the paper was trying to escape from it . As if on cue, Maddie's mouth clamped shut. There stood a woman with dyed purple hair and storm grey eyes. She was wearing a white crop top over a black tank top, probably in her early twenties. NOT what an average teacher would wear to class, even so, it was not like a teacher to be half an hour late. Behind her walked in a boy that looked almost three years younger than me, with white blonde hair. He had dark blue eyes but on his left eye had one long scar ruining his otherwise innocent look. The boy was cute, he could almost be classified as pretty like a girl.

          He wore a black jacket with buckles over his uniform and walked to the empty sit all the way at the back and sat down. The woman who I suppose was our teacher,  wrote her name on the board. Miss Danielle. " Hi class welcome to the new school year I see some familiar faces from last year! I am Miss Danielle and I your homeroom teacher as well as your english and lit teacher! But..." She said in a dangerously low tone " but if you do not take things seriously...I'll rip your face off. Just joking! Well let's just change the subject." She said again cheerfully,"Ok! Let's start!! New students please give an introduction. Let's start with Brooke Kelly." With that she gestured to my direction.

           Quickly standing up I introduced myself ignoring the nervousness inside me. " Hello everybody!!! I am Brooke Kelly, 14 this year . I'm in dorm house 13 and I like to dance! Nice to meet you!!" Sitting down, everyone stares at me in adoration. I can't help but to feel happy and proud. The other boy stands up and says very briskly " I'm William Xanthe, 13 years old. Dorm 13. I'm an artist." He gave a forced smile that looked no more than a grimace. Giving me the heebie-jeebies . Yet no one seemed to find anything weird about him. He was 13??? He looks 11 for god's sake and definitely not supposed to be here, maybe he is just small sized and extremely clever or something.

          Anyway I decided to take my mind off him and instead focus on what Miss Danielle was saying. "Ok, thank you Brooke and William, can I call you Will?." Miss Danielle smiled ever so pleasantly. He nodded his head and Miss Danielle introduced herself, also telling us what she would cover for English and Literature for the year. By the time class ended, I was quite overwhelmed by what Miss Danielle was teaching as it was quite difficult for me to understand. But I tried my best, guess I have my work cut out for me. However, when I looked around, everyone including Will seemed to be doing alright. "Ok class remember to prepare for the talent showcase and tell me your proposal by the following Wednesday, remember that sitting with your dorm mates is compulsory for all students during lunch. bye!"Miss Danielle said casually before walking out of class and slamming the door behind her.

           I ran to catch up with Hayley, who had a pair of jeweled headphones on, as we headed to the cafeteria together with Keith and Noah whom we met on the way. Keith, in his hands was a thick grey notebook. Noah explained that the talent showcase was optional for most students and its is when the principal gives his speech, but for prodigies it was compulsory. I sighed, now i would have to think about what dance to choose from the million dances i had performed. The cafeteria was really big and even had an outdoor dining overseeing some of the dorms, and the city could be seen in the far. There was a long stretch where cuisines from all over the world was on display and was like a buffet, at the end stood the a lunch lady at the cashier. The was an extremely long queue and it seemed to stretch on forever.

          "Good, Sylvia is already there." Keith stated.  A table at the far end with a 13 carved at the side, was the blacked haired girl from earlier, I gritted my teeth. After dumping our things at the table, we headed to queue for lunch, I expected to see the queue to be even longer that I saw when I entered the cafeteria, but there was no one there. How weird. But I shrugged it off, maybe the lunch lady was really fast?  At the table I sat next to Noah, trying to keep as far away as possible from the black haired hair girl, who was Maddie's idol, Sylvia Lorran. Will joined us at the table soon after, a sandwich on his plate. Noah slurped his frozen coconut which he bought from the lunch lady. Who knew the school sold that? " Whose black cat was it this morning?"Noah asked, fake shivering at the thought. " It's mine " said Will. All eyes were on Will,  everyone gave comments on the cat. It looks cute. What's it's name. How old is he and so on and so forth . It turns out that the cats name Cruentus, which was Latin. As I dug into my salad I turned my head and saw the queue growing again.

           What's going on?  I continued to ignore it. Lunch went on with much conversation. " Hey Brooke!! Which club are you going to join???" Hayley said,  almost bouncing with excitement, but unlike Maddie, who was really annoying when she babbled on anything and everything. " Oh umm... Maybe dance? " I said as I nibbled on a carrot slice. Everyone except Will and Noah made a sudden shocked face. "There's a fair a week after the talent showcase and heads up, dancers bite and they bite hard. " said Sylvia coldly, stabbing her salmon and shoving it into her mouth. "They can't be that bad." I bet she's trying to scare me so I just erased that thought from my mind

          "I'm from choir. I'm in soprano 1 you are always welcome to join!" Noah cheerfully as he digs into the coconut. Nope. " I'm in recreational sports, you can try but you won't last a day, trust me." Sylvia said, with a small smile. Maybe she wasn't that bad after all? Hayley smiled, "I am in band, we get to try out all kinds of music instruments from traditional instruments of war to electric guitars! I am sure you will find something you like among all the instruments our school has." No to that too. Keith stated that he was in debate society and goes back to his salmon. Hayley added that he was the president of debate. Impressive... since he is sort of a freshmen. " Will, what club are you going to join?" Sylvia said to Will. Hayley and Noah betted that he would definitely get into art. Keith shrugged, saying it was his transfer subject. For the first time in this conversation, he spoke "I guess I'll do a sport or something ." All eyes turned turned to Sylvia. She grinned wickedly , "See you then." Just as she said that, Will's cat decided to join us at the table, where it stared at me with it's silverish reddish eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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