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help me change, we all want to change they world into a better place, right? well listen(read) and tell me what you think, (sorry if things are spelled wrong. IM TRYING OKAY!










I don't get it. We want people to stop killing them selfs and stop self harm because of society, but what people don't get is that, we are society. We all drive to be perfect when we don't know what that is. Shakespeare wrote about how Romeo and Juliet couldn't be together because their families hated each other. People hate gays and don't want them to get married but they are being who THEY are. They say " fuck society,I'm me & if you don't like it then you need to get over it" we have innocent people dieing every damn day because they aren't "perfect" and we judge them for it. Like Hanna Montana or what ever her name it "No body's Perfect, we live and we learn it" (lol) we cutt, we stop eating, and make our selves get sick, just to be someone were not. God made up the way we r and if he made a man love a man or a women love a women then why r we trying to change it? It makes some people "unhappy? Why are they watching? I want to be able to go out side and say" this is me, idc what people think" and be loved for being me. "Everything will be okay" we say. But its not. As long as we keep people thinking they aren't perfect then people are going to keep on dying. Bullies hurt people mentality and physically just because that are trying to find who they are.

PLEASE comment what you think. we need to start changing. if we keep society the way it is, our futur country is going to be, i dont even know. we r gonna suck and other countries (if you liv e in America) are gonna laugh at how stupid we r and what fools we r making out of ourselfs. in the UK and the U.S.A, we are fucking up our world. we where given this planet and WE THE PEOPLE need to make a change. we (U.S.A) left London or wherw ever to be our selves. to start our own place. to make our own rules and to be who we want to be. theres no where else to run. we need to stop and think about how we r making other feel. TREAT OTHERS THEY WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREAED. do you want to be called names?? do u want to get hurt ( mentality and physically)??? i dont. we have all called people names, pushed people around and bullied each other. and if u say u dont u lie. did u talk behind someones back? tell ur friends secrets? i have. i won't lie. i have done things im not proud of, we call people names at the randomest times.

I hope you read this and think about what we do.

<33 Joc <33

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