Chapter One

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"Unless its mad, passionate extra ordinary love its a waste of time, there are too many mediocare things in life. Love shouldn't be one of them" -Anonynous


Lawe saldini's POV
The Seven Crown Hotel, New York City
1:00 PM

I am busy signing important papers at one of my prestigious hotel here in New York City when the door suddenly opens and my apologetic executive assistant came into view.

"I'm sorry sir, Madam Claudia doesn't want to listen to me when I told her that you don't want any visitor right now" she told me while fidgeting and looking at the marbled floor. She's waiting for my punishment.

Usually I would lash out at every employee who cannot handle situation like this. I never hire incompetent people to work for me. They'll be the reason of my business downfall. But this situation is a special case, no one can dictate something to Claudia and expect her to follow. It is usually the other way around. She wants everyone to dance in her tune.

I sighed. "Tell her to come in Elena, and don't worry yourself about it anymore. You cannot stop her anyway. She's hard-headed like a bull. You can continue your work now" I said dismissing her.

She smiled at my words. She's lucky that Claudia is the one visiting me or else she's fired already.

"Hijo, what nonsense is your executive secretary talking about? Does she want to be fired immediately? Imagine prohibiting your boss's grandmother to enter his office. I cannot believe it!" she exclaimed with a horrible expression in her face. She tried to calm herself while sitting infront of my table. I noticed that my grandma has something in her mind again. Perhaps, its the topic that we usually fought all the time. My marriage.

I sighed again. "Grandma forgive my secretary. The order to never let anyone come in was from me. I'm busy with my work and I don't want to be interrupted. I need to finish these reports as soon as I can grandma" I explained.

She look at me incredulously. "All you know is work hijo. You never took time to enjoy outside work. The Seven Crown International Hotel won't fall down to bankruptcy even if you take a vacation for months. You're like your grandpa. He's so workaholic, look what happened to him!" She stood up and get my pen and the papers in front of me.

I sighed for the third time. I stood up and went to the mini bar in my office. I poured myself a drink. I think I needed this for the next topic my grandma would happily discuss with me. Her favorite topic since my thirtieth birthday.

I went back and sat at the sofa. My grandma sat in front of me. She's looking at me closely. I'm starting to feel a headache. Here we go again with this endless topic.

"Grandma I know that our hotel won't be bankrupt even if I leave for months because I employed competitive people to work for me. But you know me grandma, I'm a workaholic person. Besides I never forget to take leisurely trips outside of work grandma. I date different women too. I am contented with my life grandma. I am happy this way" I said. I hope she'll listen to me this time. I don't want another argument with my grandma. I love her and I don't want to hurt her feelings. My grandma is the only family I have. Both of my parents died in a plane crash when I was eighteen years old and from then my grandparents took care of me. My grandpa trained me to take over the hotel. But grandpa died because of heart attack five years ago. I was 26 during that time. When grandpa died I became more workaholic because thousands of employees depended on me. I am the one responsible for whatever our hotel had attained up to now. Because of that I was branded as a genius in the hotel industry.

I look at my grandma and saw pain crossed her eyes. I silently cursed myself. I went beside her and hugged her. She started to cry. I comforted her by patting her back.

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