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The dinner was a silent and awkward one..

Ilia's family mainly consisted of her mother, the mayor who was her father, and several younger siblings.

The long table wasn't racked with food, but it had enough fish and bread to go around at least. However, it wasn't food Kirito was concerned with.. these dishes only gave the illusion of filling up hunger.. in real life, Kirito was sure that Alice and Asuna would be saving him a sandwich for when he finished Full Diving for the day.

What truly worried Kirito, was the distrusting angry stares everybody was giving him.. everyone except Ilia and Midna of course, whom seemed to be enjoying her meal immensely.

"The fish is truly delectable this time Mayor." said Midna.

"I'm glad you enjoy it." said the mayor. "Are you sure you wouldn't be more comfortable in your true Twili form? Then you would be able to sit down instead of levitating all the time.."

"Oh this doesn't feel uncomfortable at all." Midna noted. "Kirito, eat before I take your fish. I'm not kidding.. I will take it."

"Come on daddy, have a bite, it's pretty good." said Yui, who was sitting next to Kirito's plate, nibbling a piece of fish she had broken off.

"I'm.. er.." Kirito looked at Ilia's mother, who was glaring at him.

"Mother.. please.. "Ilia whispered. "He's fine.. Midna said so.."

Kirito tried to pretend not to hear the whisper, awkwardly using his fork to put a piece of fish in his mouth.

"Doesn't he have the Real World where he can recieve.. real food?" said the mother haughtily. "Surely he doesn't need our bimbo food in this bimbo virtual world?"

"It's good ma'am.." said Kirito. "Honest."

"Hmph.." The mother turned away.

Kirito sighed.

Ilia gave Kirito an apologetic look, and then glared at her parents. "Please mother.. father.. he's only staying for a few more hours.."

"Thank goodness for that." The mayor muttered.

Kirito at this point, started to feel something rather familiar. It was the same feeling he had from being a Beater in SAO.. and the same feeling that he had whenever he saw Mikoto called a Glitch Blade.

As soon as the meal was finished, Kirito never felt more glad at being able to leave the tense house. As he left, Midna following close behind, the door was suddenly opened once more, and Ilia ran out. "Wait! Kirito-kun! I almost forgot, here!"

Ilia handed Kirito a long black coat with short t-shirt sleeves and silver shoulder pads. "It's a Sheikah Coat, you can have it for free, it ups your hiding skill by a fair amount.. and your sword and shield should be finished in an hour or so."

Kirito shook his head. "Thanks, but.. you don't have to forge the shield, I fight with a one handed sword best.

"Oh.." said Ilia. "Erm.."

Kirito tapped a finger to his item pouch to bring up his wallet icon. "Listen, I know it's not much, I mean, I just started playing so I've only got this much.. but here."

Kirito handed Ilia a red jewel.. a rupee, which was the currency in the game. The red ones worth around 20.

"You.. this.. is all the money you have!" said Ilia. "You'd.. give us this?"

"You seem to need it more then me." said Kirito. "I'm just a gamer playing a game, none of what happens to me here will have much of an impact on me in Real Life. However, you all depend on Rupees to live your lives.. a part of this world."

Railgun Online, Accelerated World: Book 2, Courage.Where stories live. Discover now