I • Flustered

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Harry: Hey Boo Bear! Want to come with me to get my present for Taylor?

Me: I don't know if I can, sorry babe.

Harry: if I bribe you with cuddling after will you?

Me: be there in 10

Harry: love youuuuuu

I shook my head as I read over his texts, I would do anything for his cuddles. Except if he wanted to buy Taylor a wedding ring, because then I would nicely decline and go cry in my room.

I don't have a crush on him, I'm just extremely protective over him. Yeah.


"Hi Lou." Harry spoke, hugging me.

"Hi Hazz." I smiled, kissing his cheek. He blushed looking down at his converse.

"I need to ask you something, I don't really need to go shopping." Harry sighed, pulling me into his flat and sitting me on the couch, he handled me a cup of tea then sat down.

"Shoot." I smiled, patting his knee. He pulled up his phone, scrolling through twitter when he frowned, showing me his screen. The picture showed his girl friend and another guy kissing. I looked back up to him, and tears rimmed his eyes, the he closed them.

"Why would she do this?" He asked, opening them. A tear streamed down his face, and I couldn't help but hug him.

"I don't know Hazz." I sighed, rubbing his back. He started to full on sob into my shirt.

"M-maybe I'm not good enough." He sighed.

"Awe Hazz, anyone would swoon if they had the chance to date you." I whispered, kissing his head.

"No they wouldn't. Look at me, I'm ug-" he started but I cut him off.

"Don't you dare finish that, your are gorgeous and you have the best personality. Baby, don't listen to the people that don't matter." I sighed, holding his right cheek in my hand, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"'M sorry Lou." He wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around his torso. He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck.

"Don't be sorry, baby." I cooed.

"How about we watch the Notebook and keep my promise on cuddling?" He asked, whispering it in my ear. He probably wasn't trying to be seductive but it have me chills.

"C'mon then." I blushed, pulling him up with me and grabbing my One Piece that I brought. I stripped out of my clothes, leaving my boxers on then putting my One Piece on. Harry did the same and I couldn't help but stare at his little bum.

He turned around and grabbed my hand leading me up the stairs to his living room.

Halfway through the Notebook, Harry was sound asleep on me. His head was on my chest as he snored softly. I chuckled, switching the tv off and shutting my eyes as well.


"-Lou, Boo Bear, Babe, Pumpkin, Baby Cakes. Wake up." A soft voice whispered into my ear, I moaned, turning over causing the younger boy to fall on top of me. "Oof." He grounded.

"Ha ha." I said sleepily, smiling at the curly haired boy.

"Your mean." He frowned, turning his head so he wasn't facing me.

"Awe, Curly." I moaned, sitting up neck to him. "C'mon sweet cheeks. Talk to me." I spoke, poking his cheek.

"No." He murmured. "Make me pancakes."

skinny love - larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now