Buffy's sweet 16 teen

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Dear Diary
Today was my sweet sixteen my life was a living nightmare until last month when I killed Damon once and for all since I was born he wanted to kill my family but we're all still alive and my baby sister angel is death threats free and safe with Mikael here and I love my life specially with Spike in it Buffy out<3
''Hey honey I have a big surprise for you'' then I hear an engine. ''Spike you didn't'' I see my dream car in the driveway a black 1967 Chevy Impala. ''Oh I hit the jackpot alright'' He smiled.
''Spike I haven't seen her this happy ever'' I patted Spike on the back. ''Well Sur I hate seeing her so upset she has a smile that can brightens up a dark room and her loving heart is so unconditional and I worry if someone hurts her like Damon did'' Spike confirmed. ''That's why I want to get your blessing to propose to her'' Spike explained. ''Of course my son'' I smiled. Then Spike walked over to Buffy and got on one knee. ''Buffy Lilly Salvatore Mikaelson will you marry me'' Spike proposed. ''Of course I will marry you Spike'' then Spike dipped Buffy into a passionate kiss.
Dear diary
I'm so happy that I will be marrying my soul mate.

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