Start Here #1 • Rules and Form!

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Welcome to a new SSB RP made by Pi-Pi! This time it's a Smash Academy one!
So, I'll skip to the things you just want to see, the rules and form! So, let's-a go!

A small book sat on a table that was currently in front of you. It had Smash Academy Handbook written on it in a fancy golden-colored font labeled on it. You decided to pick it up. It read:
1. Keep it rated PG-13, but no cussing.
2. No bullying, being mean, or craziness without reason.
3. No killing characters off without others permission. And also no controlling others' characters either. Put your favorite color and favorite smasher if your reading.
4. You may date, kiss, and hug but nothing else.
5. Be active, please. If you aren't active in a month then I'll delete your forms and let others be your character(s).
6. Have fun!

After you put the handbook aside, you found a piece of paper also laying on the table. It was titled Smash Academy Form in large, bold print at the top. You decided to fill it out. It read:
Family: (If any.)
Role: (Student, Teacher, Outsider.)
Weapon: (Three at the most.)
Battle Style: (Try to have it make somewhat sense.)
Strong Points:
Weak Points:

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