A Strange Warning (DAWN'S POV)

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My vision came back and all I saw was my mom and Emma. I went to move and banged my shoulder. "Ow!" I said. "Carful Dawn." A new face calmed me. "And you are?" I snapped. "Kayla Honeydew. But you should call me Ms. Honeydew." She sounded like a punctual math teacher. "Come along now." She said, grabbing my arm and leading me to a different room. She sat looking at my scar. "What?" I said. "When you blacked out, you 'fake' awoke under a LED light, right?" I jumped. "Yes... Why?" She giggled. "Jake said you'd be named Alexis." Jake was my dad's name. "Jake was my father's name." I replied. "I know. That Jake is him." I had no words. "He said he named you Alexis Faith Kanya." "Wait." I said, trying to change the topic. "Emma and Gemma's last names are Honeydew, are you related?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm their mother." No wonder Gemma is the way she is. I thought. For a mom your pretty cocky and rude. Wish I could show you how we take care of this kind of attitude back home. "I see." I said. "Your such a brat," She started, but I stopped her. "Gemma is too!" I snapped and left.


On the way home I began to black out. "Mom...!" I slurred. "Yes, Dawn?" She said as she turned. I began to fall. "DAWN!!!" She yelled as she ran to me. "M-Mom." I blacked out.


The same hushed chatter came as I lay still under a LED light. "Dawn." A hand stroked my head. "Welcome to your new home." That voice belonged to the same male as last time. "Who are you?" I asked, with a shaky voice. "Why is this my new home?" "Well," He began. Then a door opened fast. "Where is Alexis?" A new male voice asked. "Here, sir." The first male replied. "I'm not Alexis, I'm Dawn." I said. "Remove the light, Mark." The second voice said. "But sir, this is the second time, not fifth." Mark said. "I want my Lexi! Now!" The second voice said. "I AM NOT ALEXIS! I AM DAWN!" I yelled. "Sir, her mom changed her name when you left. Her new name is Dawn." I heard a grunt. "Kayla failed to tell me that." He said. "Jake, maybe Kayla didn't know yet." Mark said. "Make a 5:10pm appointment with Kayla, Mark." Jake said. "Oh, and bring Nicole here. We need to talk. Make that at 4:34pm exactly." Jake added. Nicole is my mom. I thought. "Jake! You better not touch my mother!" I yelled. "Your supposed to be my dad!" I began to cry. "And get this light off of me!" The light moved and Mark was young. My age, sixteen. "I know." Jake sighed. "And I'm doing a terrible job at it." "Were." I said. "You were doing a bad job. Now you just don't have that job anymore." I saw how hard my words struck him. Mark grabbed my arm and pulled me off the table I lay on. He pulled me out of the room, as he left Jake said, "Your on thin ice girl."


The moon was full and Mark was walking me somewhere. Finally he said, "Careful, Dawn. Jake means business." I laugh, I don't want to, but it's all I can think to do. "He won't hurt me." I said, almost proud. "And he won't hurt you. Your his son." I mumbled, assuming that he was his son. "I'm not related to him." He sneered. "It's only a job." Carful. You don't even know where you are. Change the topic. I thought. I yawned. "Can you take me some place where I can chill?" I asked trying to sound cool. "I am." He said. We walked into a tall building. He took me into the elevator and pressed the button that read "9". I looked around and I found no cameras. Then I felt a strong thump and the lights went out. "Ugh. Again?" Mark asked. He pressed a button that said "EMERGENCY CALL" on it. "We're stuck." He said. "So how long until we are free?" I asked. "3 hours at least." He said, almost joyful. I sat down and began to freak out. I had claustrophobia. "I have claustrophobia." I said with a shaky voice. He sat by me and put his arm around me. "I'm here. And there are not any cameras." He said. "What does that mean?" I asked. "You can freak out and not get embarrassed." He said. "I don't freak out!" I said louder than I meant to. "I just..." I said. "Well, they just bother me and I hate them." I said. "Well if I had to be stuck in here with anyone, I probably wouldn't have picked you." Mark said sharply, taking his arm off me and standing up. I felt like I should say sorry, its only because I really am freaking out, but no. He can't know. I scooted into the corner and began to cry quietly. It's all I thought I could do. "Don't just sit there. We should talk about this world." Mark said. I looked at him with tears running down my cheek. "Really? Now?" I asked, my voice shaky and weak. "I'm sorry. I forgot about your claustrophobia." He said. Mark sat by me again and pulled me against him, my head by his heart. I could feel his heartbeat slow and steady. "I'm here." He said into my hair. "So tell me," He started. "Where did this fear come from?" I sniffed, than with a cracky voice began, "Daycare center. Small supply closet that you'd get sent to for not being perfect. It got locked." He put his arms around me. "Didn't you tell anyone?" He asked. I could tell he felt sorry. "No, she said if you did she'd get you and everybody you love." I sniffed again. "That kind of Earth threat is illegal." He said, like Earth was only a child's myth. "I was only four and five." I told him. "You know," Mark said, pulling me closer. "It's not like that right now." And it was true. He shifted so he was in my face when I turned. Our noses almost touching, he stated at me. So I stared right back, into those handsome brown eyes. "I like your eyes." I said without thinking. "I like your everything." He giggled and then we kissed. "What was that?!" I said jumping up and backing away. He stood up and slammed me gently into the wall. "Did you like it?" He asked. "Mark stop!" I said.We sat opposite sides of the elevator until we were unstuck.


Once the elevator was fixed we went to his apartment. He lay on the couch and me on the bed. I fell asleep quickly. I dream about him, and only him. In my dream he said, "Carful, Dawn. This is a crazy place."


I wake up in my bed, in my house, in my room. I sit up and think, Was that all a dream? But it felt so real. I get up and comb my hair, get dressed,and brush my teeth. First thing I do is remember, "Oh, and bring Nicole here. We need to talk. Make that at 4:34pm exactly." Jake wants mom. So I run. I go outside and run, praying I'll go back there. I feel to my knees about a half mile later. "Come on!" I said breathlessly. You idiot. You left mom alone. "NO!"I yell, running back home. "Dawn-y." A voice called me. I stop dead in my tracks. "Who's there?" I yell. "Mark." I turned. He was there. "Mark take me back to Earth." I beg. "That's where we are now." He laughed. "Then how are you here?" I ask. "You're not the only one who can come and go." He said. "What?" I say. "Yea. Crazy huh?" He said. "Um. Why are you here?" I say, with a bit if joy in my voice. "Can't a guy want to see his girl-" He stopped. "His friend?" He corrected himself. "Mark..." I trail off. "He blushes and says "I've been told to collect information about Earth schooling, Earth dating, and the EBISS." "What's EBISS?" I ask. He laughs like I should know. "Earth Bulling In School Situation." I scoff. "Do you all watch us?" I say. "Duh." He answers. I shake my head. "School starts in," I check my watch. "30 minutes. You should be on your way." I tell him. "Same to you," he starts. "Why are you even out here?" He says. "You should know, Mr. 'I-Watch-People-For-Fun'." I sneer. "Ha. Funny story, I actually know why." He says. Now is my chance to run. I think, and I do just that. Crap! I think as I hear him right behind me. "Ahh!" I yell as he tackles me. I open my eyes and he is on top of me. "Dawn I need to tell you something." He says. "Yes?" I say. He stands up. "I have a crush on you, and I wish you would be my girlfriend!" He runs. I stand up, surprisingly still clean, but a horrible pain in my back.


In class Ms. Hansue says, "Attention class." And we all zip our lips. "We have a new kid today." She continues. Mark. I think. "Welcoming with warm hearts, Marcus Patterson!" She finishes. Oh no! The only open seats are both next to me! I think with a sigh. Then Mark walks in. "Where can I sit?" He asks. Ms. Hansue says, "Two seats are open by Dawn." She says my name coldly. His eyes now stare at me and I put my head down. "Move along now." Ms. Hansue commands. "Stop wasting class time!" The nerd, Scarlett, yells out. He cautiously works his way to the seat left of me. Blushing he sits. "Now time for some Pi!" Ms. Hansue says. "I love pie!" Mark yells. "It's my favorite food!" Wow. I think, getting out my notes. "Not the food, the math term!" Megan, the popular girl, laughs as she says it. Soon everyone laughs, even Ms. Hansue. I stand up. "Shut up!" I yell. "He's new and we never changed the sign that said 'Free Hour Class' to 'Math Class'!" I defend. The laughs and hoots stop. I sit down. "Thank you for getting us back on track." Ms. Hansue says. "Yea." I say hoping class clown, Myra, would distract everyone. Then she farts, and nobody, but Mark, is looking at me. "You didn't need to do that." Mark says. I don't say anything back.


Lunch comes, and I do the usual. Get my food, eat fast, and go outside. I go far outback and sit down. I put in my ear buds, drink some water, clear my throat, and sing. I sing my heart out. The song finishes and I drink more water. "I like it." I hear. I turn to see a smiling Mark. I spit out the water in my mouth. "Did you here?!" I yell. "You singing like a pop star? Yes." He smirks. "Do another!" He begs. "No." I answer flatly. "Never." I say. "Good thing I recorded it." He chuckles. "MARCUS PATTERSON!" I yell. "DO YOU HATE ME?!" I command an answer. "No."

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