An immortal (naruto fanfic) Ch.1

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             "She'll be alone forever never to have the company of a normal human" 'alone?? forever?? mom? dad! help me i don't want to be alone! please help! i don't wanna be alone! i'm scared mommy daddy help please??'. "leave her alone she dent do anything to deserve this!! fix her take your curse off my daughter!!" 'dad??' "please let her go!! she's my little girl" 'mom? what's happening?' "she's a fantastic student she'll get throw this bravely!" 'sensei?'. 'let your mind be at rest child'  'who's there? leave me alone go away!' 'child you'll be alone for a long time'  'mom help me!' "i'm so sorry my daughter" 'mom? no please!' "i'm sorry my child" 'dad?? please?' a smile "remember us hoshi when your older" 'no please sensei! don't leave me' "good bye"

             "what's you business in the leaf??" i fell eyes looking me over trying to find the danger "just stopping for a rest its going to rain soon" the two men look at each other then sigh "and??" i sigh "i need a place to escape the rain and sleep for the night i wont cause any trouble here in your village" i say smiling at the two men before me who look at each other again skeptical. "Izumo and Kotetsu!" there heads snap up at the sound of a voice behind me "hay kakashi your back from your mission already?" the man must have nodded because i dent here a response from him. i turn my head slowly as to not be noticed by the man "who's this??" he asks 'well that dent work' "uhh well" they look down at me and i sigh "I'll just find another village" i mumble picking up my bag and turning from the gates "bye" i mumble walking by the man kakashi. I bow my head as i walk by him with a slight bow he walks over to the gate guys "yes I'm back i need to report to the hokage" he says to the two ninja. i roll my eyes 'wonder how far the next village is from here??' with a sigh I trudge on in the slightly cold air "wonder full weather were having right??" my head snaps around to the voice "quite" i turn away and keep walking down the dirt road kicking rocks "what's your name kid?" i mentally growl at this man's annoying intention's. "I'm not a kid I'm older then one would think kid" i snap turning around to face the man from the gates "well how old are you?" he asks i shake my head "its rude to ask a woman her age" i mumble turning around in a flash he's in front of me. i glare up at him "will you move i have no time for your childish antics" i say stepping around him walking on "your not gonna reach the next village in time to avoid the rain you know" he says from behind "well if those guys at the gate had just let me in we might not be having this oh so lovely conversation" i say turning to him glaring he shrugs "well if you go back with me I'll show you around" he says "really what about the guys at the gate??" i ask turning to him completely "i talked to them" he says i could see a sly smirk under his mask. i sigh 'might as well as he said i wont reach the next village in time' i nod "ok I'll go with you" he nods and turns away walking rushing to catch up to him we walk to the village "what's your name??" he asks looking at me out the corner of his eye "my names Hoshi no Ko" i say smiling he nods and looks strait ahead. "what's yours??" i ask crossing my arms  "kakashi hatake" i nod 'mhm wonder maybe i could stay in this village a bit longer than planed??' i ponder this as we approach the gates the two guys from before nod in our direction as we walk in. i smile and wave at them they look at each other surprised then smile and wave back "what's the village like??" i ask look around the large place "quite" he says thinking about it and nodding "nice place to live in" he says "the people here are nice and take care of each other" i smile 'i like the sound of that' then with a load shout a blond boy runs past us laughing "what tha??" i watch him as he runs i look at kakashi who shakes his head "will you be ok on your own??" he asks i smile and nod "of course" he nods and walks off i chuckle and shake my head "what a nice place" i walk to the closest hotel and pay for a room for the night. 'maybe i should go see the hokage??' i sigh and toss my bags on the floor and walk out the hotel. i look towards the center of the village and nod "better get this over with" i sigh and take off leaping to the roofs i head to the hokage tower 'mhm remember when they first built this place' memories flash throw my mind 'good times'. i soon arrive at the large tower i look up at the large mountain behind it and smile 'the fourth nice man' i look at the red building i take a deep breath and walk in looking around sneaking past guards. till i found the door to the hokage's office i nod 'ok lets do this' i knock on the door and wait "come in" an ancient strong voice calls from the other side of the thick door. i take another deep breath trying to calm my nerves and push the door open "who are you??" asks the old man at the desk "my names Hoshi no Ko and i need some help" i mumble twirling my long white hair on my finger. He nods "continue" he says i nod quickly "ok sir I have to ask you to believe what I'm about to say and let me finish you may think I'm crazy but I'm about to say is all the truth" he nods surprised "ok it starts about 1,000 years before the first hokage my village was around we were small village not very powerful" i look over at him i could already see the doubts in his eyes. i sigh "one day a man came to our village saying he was a powerful medical man and we believed him...maybe if we hadn't believed him my village would still be around and i.." i cut my self off and sigh "that was before i was born but 13 years after i was born the man came to my house with my parents and my sensei and he told my family he could make it to were i will never get sick and be healthy until i died but he lied he put some kind of curse on me that day and from then on out i dent age at all but we dent realize it till my 16 birthday when i wasn't aging my parents and sensei went to speck with him but he was waiting for them and he told them what he had done my family begged him to take it off but he refused" i look at the ground "and I've been the same way for a very long time" i take a deep breath and look up at him "unable to die or eat ,drink, and alone" he nods and rubbing his beard in deep thought "i know it sound crazy but i swear I'm not lying" i mumble looking down at my feet waiting for him to answer me. i hear him sigh "i don't now why but i believe you" he says my head snaps up "really??" he nods and i jump clapping "yay you'd be surprised how many people don't believe me" i hear him chuckle. after we talk a bit longer he says he'll arrange for me a place to live he starts flipping throw papers people walking in and out talking with him i sat in a chair reading till i hear a familiar voice "yes hokage-sama??" my head snaps up and i smile "hay kakashi!" i say jumping up from my seat he looks over at me startled then nods "h-hello hoshi" he says hokage looks between us "you know him??" he asks i nod "yeah he showed me around here a bit tho not really needed" i mumble kakashi looks at the older man confused "well anyway kakashi since your here i need you to help out" kakashi raises his one visible eyes brow confused "yes??" the hokage looks over at me then smiles "this young girl needs a place to stay till i can find her a house" he says gesturing to me "!?" i yell pointing to the old man "you want me to live with a man?!" "yes is there a problem with that??" he asks smiling evilly 'evil old man' i shake my head "no sir its ok" he nods "good" then he turns to kakashi "is this ok with you kakashi??" he asks giving kakashi a look as if to dare him to say no. kakashi nods "its ok" he says smiling or well from what i can tell under that mask "and kakashi tomorrow you will be meeting you new students" kakashi nods "oh hoshi do you have any ninja abilities??" i nod "yeah after being on the road for so long i sometimes stop and stay at hidden villages and they teach me ninja stuff" i say smiling at him. he nods "good then you can help out kakashi" kakashi's jaw hits the floor "b-but sir" the hokage sends him and evil look and he shuts up "ok you two are dismissed" he says smiling. we nod and walk out the door "dent I'd see you so soon again" i say to him smiling he continues to walk ignoring me 'well than' i frown and fallow him throw the town "oh wait!!" i yell snapping my fingers he looks back confused "i left my stuff at a hotel!" i turn and hightail it back to the hotel fallowed by kakashi i rush throw the hotel lobby and up to the room i was planning on staying at and pick up bags. i turn just in time to see kakashi walk into the room breathing heavily i chuckle and he glares at me "welp lets go" i say walking past him down the stairs into the lobby to check out he lobbyist smiles and waves as we leave "sorry bout that almost forgot about this stuff" i say holding up my bag he nods. we soon arrive at a nice sized apartment "nice place" i look around the small house learning every nook and cranny of it. "where will i sleep??" i ask after scoping the place out noticing only one bed room and two baths and small kitchen and a confey living room. he sighs looking around "well.." "i'll sleep on the couch" i say dropping my bags on it "oh..well i was going to say you can have to bed" he says point to the room. i shake my head "the couch is ok I've sleep on worse" i mumble going throw my bag finding my Pj's "can i shower?" i ask standing back up he nods and point to the bathroom. "thanks" he nods and sits on the couch i walk into the small bath room and start the water making it as hot as i could stand and step in letting out a soft hiss at the heat on my bare skin i look around the shower for some shampoo "men's shampoo never bothered me before" i smile and finish up in the shower and get out. i wrap the towel around me and step out grabbing my under clothes and pulling on my sweat pants and my purple tank top and wrap the towel around my hair on the top of my head and walk out the bathroom into the living room "done" i say sitting next to him on the couch and start digging throw my bag. i see him glance at me out the corner of his eyes and i smile at him "what?" he asks confused "well you were the one looking at me" i say pointing at him he rolls his eyes and goes back to reading his book. i sigh and dig throw my bag till i find the notebook i was looking for and flip to the next page and continue where i left off writing half way thro with the page when i pull the towel off my head tossing over the back of the couch and "well that's enough reading for the night" he says suddenly standing up stretching. "see you in the morning" i call to his retreating back he waves his hand back lazily and i chuckle he disappears into his room closing the door with a soft click and i turn back to my notebook with a heavy sigh running my hand throw my slightly wet hair and smile "i like this place" i lay my head in the arm of the couch and close my eyes "I'll stay a bit longer than planed" a smile creeps into my lips slowly i fall into a deep sleep my notebook laying across my chest.



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