~Chapter 1~

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It was the last week of summer break and I wanted it to be one to remember. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. Once I got up I had a nice warm shower then got changed into my white high waisted shorts, black and white Brooklyn shirt with my new vans.
I then straightened my long light brown hair, left it out and grabbed my plain black flat cap then put it on backwards. After I was ready I walked downstairs for breakfast.
"Hey!", I greeted my brother as I walked into the kitchen.
His name is Nash and he was the captain of our schools football team, making him the most popular jock. He wasn't exactly annoying like you'd think he'd be but he is a little over protective at times. My brother and I are really close and we are the same age which doesn't really bother me. The only annoying thing about him is he has girls all over him basically every second of the day. I've had girls only wanting to be my friend to get with my brother but I can tell who all the fake bitches are and at my school that's what half the girls were. I was lucky that my group of friends weren't fake, they were defiantly popular but have never been fake or bitchy. Most of us have been friends since primary school and the ones who haven't still seem as though they have. My two closest friends are Lexa and Sienna we've all known each other since 2nd grade and we've been best friends ever since.
"Hi", my brother replied and shoved pancakes in his mouth.
"Ew, your so grotty", I replied in disgust. Oh but how I wish I could've taken a photo and posted it all over social media, I won't though cause I know he'd get revenge and I don't want that.
"What?! Want some?", he asked.
"No thanks, I'll make some myself", I answered while still watching him shove the food into his mouth.
"Shit I'm going to be late!", he yelled in shock.
"For what?", I asked.
"I'm meant to be meeting the boys soon, sorry I'll see you tonight", he answered.
"What's happening tonight?", I was so confused.
"Oh god Jada did you really forget about the party already?", he reminded me.
"Ohh...", I slowly trailed off lost in my thoughts.
"Bye sis", he said as he walked out the door.
We always through a party sometime in the last week of summer and invited everyone to have a good time before school went back but I completely forgot about it until now. I pulled out my phone and texted Lexa and Sienna.
Jada~ Hey guys! Shopping spree? I need something's for the party tonight! Is 12 okay?
Lexa~ Of course I'll come you know I love a good shopping spree! Cya then xx
Sienna~ I'll come but can you pick me up on the way?
Jada~ Yes I can do that, okay see ya guys then!!
I put down my phone on the kitchen counter then started to make my pancakes. Once they were cooked I ate them with strawberries and ice cream, it was delicious!
Time to go I thought it myself as I checked the time on my phone. I walked to my car then drove to Sienna's house.
"Hey Jada!", she sounded excited.
"Hi", I replied.
"I'm so excited it's been ages since we've all gone on a shopping spree!", she squealed.
"Hah I know", I said and drove off.
Once we arrived we met Lexa outside the pet shop she was looking at all the cute animals we just laughed and decided to get to work on finding the perfect outfit for tonight.
"Reckon you guys will were dresses?", I asked them.
"Yes I guess", Sienna replied.
"I will if you will", Lexa answered.
"Okay, let's wear dresses"
I don't normally wear dresses only on special occasions but we all needed to dress to impress so dresses it is.
I was looking around the shop until I spotted an amazing dress, I studied it for a moment then finally decided to try it on. The dress was mint green and black, on the back of the dress it had a cool design of straps the crossed over and I loved it! The dress was short and a little revealing at the top but it suited me perfectly Sienna and Lexa said that I looked amazing and It was the dress for me so I ended up buying it. Sienna and Lexa also found so pretty nice dresses Sienna's was a lavender colour which went well with her American blonde hair and Lexa's dress was a teal blue with a bit of black lace which matched her black hair. There dresses suited them perfectly! So with that we left the shops and the girls came back to my house so we could set-up the party and get ready together.

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