Black Boutique

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It all started when I had my job at the Black Boutique. It was a nice shop, one of the very few good ones in Snow Peak. It was pretty much an all black clothing store, which was good for the area. Snow Peak is a little town located close to a mountain range, where the sun doesn't ever really shine, so heat isn't really a thing. A lot of people end up wearing black to counter the cold, since black absorbs more light then other colors, creating heat.

It was my third week into the job, and a month into living in Snow Peak. I had moved to Snow Peak for a fresh start and a more peaceful life, but remembering it now, it makes me laugh. Snow Peak wasn't a peaceful, little town at all.


It was a fairly normal Monday. At least, it's what I would call normal. Kale and Gabby would say it was a slow Monday, but for the past three weeks, each Monday was the same. It was slow until noon, then people started to pour in. Gabby and Kale went to do their thing - greet customers, help them when they can and keep the display nice and beautiful - while I did mine - stand behind the counter and ring up peoples items.

Everything was normal. Then they walked in.

I wasn't very much paying attention. I heard the bell on the door ring and Kale, Gabby, and I yell out "Welcome to the Black Boutique!" in union. Out of the corner of my eye, I see long blonde hair pulled up, but that was it.

It wasn't until I noticed that the whole shop had gone quiet did I look up.

The person with the pulled up blonde was in fact a woman, who was standing in front of Gabby, talking to her. But I could tell, she wasn't what silenced the shop.

A man stood right behind her, tall and lean. He was dressed formal, pretty much a suit, only the jacket had twin tails. His skin was sun kissed, yet I couldn't understand how. His hair was long and just stopped at his chin. His eyes, from where I stood, were a pale green, that really could make a person fall in them. His jaw line was sharp, and the relaxed smile on his face fit perfectly.

He is, I'll admit, very handsome. I don't normally like thinking of customers like that, but it was inevitable with him.

Everyone in the store seemed to look at him. Women looked on with lust, men with envy. I could see Gabby try to not stutter as she talked with his, I presume, mother. Kale had stopped fixing the racks just to stare at him a bit, trying to hid his glances behind his glasses.

I couldn't help but stare a bit as well, and while I felt attraction, I also felt a bit of fear.

Just where I stood, behind the counter, I could tell he was powerful. In what way, I did not know, but the fear sat in the pit of my stomach.

I shook it off, making myself focus. The woman and the man vanished into the next room, Gabby following after. Everyone seemed to snap back and the chatter began again, like we all hadn't stopped to gawk at a guy. Kale walked over to the counter and looked over at me.

"I hope Gabby doesn't faint, but I also hope she does, so I can swoop in," He admits to me, batting his lashes.

"Kale, that's mean," I told him, trying to keep my voice down so only he heard.

He just shrugs and fixes his shirt, trying to rid it of any wrinkles.

After a while, Gabby, the woman, and the man all walked back in to the main room, the man holding a pile of clothing.

"Sage here will happily ring you up, Mrs. Hathen. I hope you found everything you would like," The sweat was practically falling off of Gabby. It made me nervous about what kind of woman "Mrs. Hathen" was.

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