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So, I know we've all been pretty shaken lately because of the things that have been going on, there's been a ridiculously great amount of hate and bullshit to people around the world. First let me share a little bit of history with y'all:

{Friday the 13th of 1307, in France, the execution of a group of Knights Templar by the Catholic Church and the Inquisition was ordered, using religion and doctrine to justify killings in the name of God.
(Hence the legend that Friday the 13th is a cursed day.)
Seven centuries later, on Friday the 13th 2015, France returns to host a cowardly act of cruelty which again uses a religious doctrine to justify killings of innocents in the name of God; but this time from another perspective, another name.
Islam is not evil, Christianity is not evil. Fanaticism, intolerance, in exclusivity, elitism ARE EVIL. Evil is manifested when we proclaim that what we were taught from a young age, is the absolute truth, period. Evil is in men.
You have to look inward; leave books and listening to teachers.
Be like children without looking into faiths, skin colors, genders and differences.
We must begin to change, to see the change we want in the world.
"He who does not know history is doomed to repeat it."
- Napoleon Bonaparte}

It's not about having guns to kill whoever the hell wants to attempt something in the streets. How the hell were all these people supposed to know that something like this was gonna happen just the day they decided to go and watch a nice game with their friends and family?!

ALSO people seriously y'all have the rest of the YEAR or even next year to trend your stuff about the 2 albums that were released recently (JB and 1D) don't hate on the fact that #PrayForParis or any other of these hashtags are trending in the last 2 days cuzz seriously ITS OBVIOUS IT WILL TREND, I mean people were KILLED, innocent people, kids, mothers, fathers, and families in general were killed just because of hate and revenge.

Also I know people are complaining about the fact that other stuff happened around the world appart from France -The earthquake in Japan, the suicide bombs in Lebanon and the funeral that was bombed in Baghdad, and the other earthquake in Mexico- it's not that people don't care about, it's the simple fact that France has an alliance with the US which the last time I checked US is seriously a big media related country which means that obviously US will pay more attention to France.

But NO we're not ignoring the fact that tragedies keep happening around the world appart from France.

If y'all want someone to blame for all of this then blame "ISIS" they are the ones that keep causing tragedies around the world! And the worst part is that this isn't over, they won't stop in Paris. They'll keep spreading suffering and hurt throughout the world till they believe they've caused enough.

All I'm saying is that please people STOP hating on all the support that we're all giving France, they clearly supported the US when 9/11 happened.

Point is stop spreading hate and cruelty through social media, spread love, support, compassion, respect and solidarity for all those whose hearts stopped beating in the last 48 hours, pray for all those kids who lost their parents today, for all those parents who lost their kids, for every single person that's going through some kind of grieving right this instant, because today it's them but tomorrow it could be any of us. The world is not safe right now, anything could happen in the upcoming days...

November 13th, 2015.Where stories live. Discover now