day 2 continued

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I was shocked to find that any one was even in his place never mind at my stuff i said " what are you doing here"
"I was walking back home and i ...."
"What, you know the way out of here... I mean can you help me get back home"
" was your name"
"Well ruby, i dont know if u can help you or not. Where do you live ?"
"I live in arronsdail"
"Well what"
"Well i cant help you, you see i ....."
"Why cant you help me "
"Let me explane, i live in a tree house in these woods so dont realy know the way out of here, but you are welcome to stay with me for a will if you want "
I dont know what to say we have just met and now she is asking if i want to stay with her.
"Yes, that would be nice , thank you "
"No problem, you look like you need a hand"
So me and alex walked to the tree house and as soon as we got in she showed me to my bed and as son as i hit the pillow i was  asleep.

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